Republican Legislative Update
Aloha Oahu Republicans, Jan 25, 2021 (excerpts)
So What Do We Do Now?
It wasn’t surprising, but it was a huge shock when we all saw on November 4th last year that not a single Republican was elected to any office they challenged in Hawaii’s state legislature, and we were left trying to make the best of just hanging on to the 5 seats incumbered by current GOP office holders.
So, what do we do now? Quit the HRP? Is it time to finally say goodbye to the party of Lincoln, Kuhio, Reagan, and Trump? Maybe start a third party?
NO! Now is the time to look at the bigger picture; to renew our commitment to a better Hawaii with fewer regulations, less government, and a greater dedication to the founding principles of our Constitutional republic. Now, more than ever, is the time for the one weapon no progressive liberal ideology can resist: persistence. By definition it will always prevail. President Calvin Coolidge said it best.
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not…Genius will not…Education will not. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Take heart party members: our persistence as Hawaii Republicans sends a clear and decisive message to our opponents and proponents alike: WE’RE HERE TO STAY! Our message of hope and renewal is for all Hawaii citizens. WE WILL PRESS ON!
Republicans are encouraged to reinvigorate your activism in the Hawaii Republican Party and the legislative process as we fight for a new day in Hawaii.
Become A Citizen Activist
Becoming an effective citizen activist, you must learn how to track a measure you’re interested in and know how and when to submit testimon. That requires knowing how our State Legislature works. Click HERE to prepare yourself for the 2021 Legislative Session.
LEGISLATIVE SESSION - In light of the City and County of Honolulu’s current COVID-19 restrictions, please be advised that this year there will be no in person hearings or access to legislators at the capitol building.
Topic Reports
Coming Soon Committee Hearings Report
PDF: Legislative Calendar
JAN 27–LAST DAY TO INTRODUCE BILLS – A bill is “introduced” when it has been filed with the House or Senate Clerk, who gives it a number (with an HB or SB prefix) and then puts it on the calendar for First Reading by the chamber. After First Reading, it is given its committee referrals which specify which committees must hear and pass the measure for it to succeed. Only legislators may introduce bills. [Note: At introduction, each bill is given a “Bill Status” webpage that can be accessed via the Legislature’s website ( and used to track all the measure’s activity.]
FEB 11–TRIPLE REFERRAL FILING (BILLS) – All bills referred to three or more committees must be filed so that they can be in their second-to-last committee by the following day. (Note: A referral to a joint committee counts as one committee referral.) This deadline allows ample time for successful bills to make their way to the last committee in their originating chamber by the First Lateral deadline.
FEB 19–FIRST LATERAL (BILLS) – All bills referred to more than one committee (i.e., those with multiple referrals) must move to their final committee in the originating chamber by this day.
FEB 25–MAR 3 MANDATORY 5-DAY RECESS – Hawaii’s Constitution mandates a 5-day recess between the 20th and 40th days of the regular session.Neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate convene or assemble formally in chamber on recess days. Committee hearings do take place.