This check for $11,480 is your money.
This check is your family's share of the Rail Project that you're obligated to pay, if you elect a career politician.
The career politicians Peter Carlisle and Kirk Caldwell want to waste your hard earned money on a $5.5 billion Rail Project that will remove only 6,700 cars from the road. That's $825,000 per car! (The cost of some homes!).
Politician Peter Carlisle says he wants the rail "across the Ko’olaus, and all the way to Hawaii Kai" at an estimated cost of over $15 billion
of your money. He claims he wants to "put our fiscal house in order " yet he admits that rail is fiscally irresponsible. Typical politician.
UH Engineering Professor & Mayoral candidate Panos Prevedouros wants you to keep your money. He promises to stop the Rail
Project and repeal the rail tax. Panos will immediately use local workers to reduce traffic congestion and fix our sewers & water mains.
>No more wasted money on non-effective solutions. >Read more