Did you hear the "news?" According to mainstream reports, Glenn Beck's rally attracted a whopping "couple thousand" to Washington, DC.
I know what you're thinking -- "Are they crazy?!" and maybe "Haven't we been here before?" It's just like last 9/12 all over again, when the numbers reported by the media were so underestimated that they should be embarrassed -- if they had any integrity to begin with.
You and I both know that hundreds of thousands showed up in DC this weekend, and that even more marched on 9/12 last year. The good news is, the American people are wising up, too. They aren't buying the mainstream media's downplayed story, not when there is obvious photographic evidence discrediting them . . . and a political agenda motivating them.
So we're marching on 9/12 again.
Help us flood the streets of DC with activists and tear down the media's distortions, once and for all. And most importantly, hammer home the powerful political message we delivered last year.
The second annual 9/12 Taxpayer March On Washington is less than 60 days out from November 2nd. The march will be a clarion call for limited government in the lead-up to what is sure to be a historic realignment on Election Day.
Spread the word about 9/12 in your community with our fliers and join the Tea Party HQ to coordinate with dedicated activists like you!
Thank you for all your hard work. This movement would be impossible without thousands of activists who care deeply about the principles of lower taxes, less government and more freedom.
If you can't make it, please consider a donation for the people who will be there on your behalf.

Yours in Liberty,

Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks