Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor': Albert Pujols receives Hope Award
Not everybody was happy with the rally. For example, here is a completely typical and average counter protester:

And here is another counter protester: Sharpton: 'The dream has not been achieved' (If he ever admits it is achieved, Sharpton will stop getting paid.)
NAACP’s Ben Jealous on CNN Politics: "For a year and a half, we've been subjected to small hearts and small minds on our small screens," he said, referring to conservative ideas on media….
Jesse Jackson on CNN: The Rev. Jesse Jackson told CNN that Beck was mimicking King and "humiliating the tradition." (And he should know, after all in 1968 he smeared MLK’s blood on his shirt in an effort to anoint himself successor. Coretta wouldn’t talk to him or appear on stage with him for years.)
Here’s a great read: Shakedown: Exposing The Real Jesse Jackson.
Remember, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are great minds with big hearts.