Return to Learn - BOE Metrics Reporting
News Release from Hawaii DoE, Dec 8, 2020
June 18, 2020: The Board of Education (BOE) adopted a resolution directing the Department to provide monthly, detailed reporting of reasonable and helpful metrics to monitor and evaluate the Department’s plan for the reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year amid the global COVID-19 pandemic (“Reopening Resolution”).
July 23, 2020: The BOE approved the Department’s plan and metrics (“Vital Sign Metrics”).
October 15, 2020: In light of testimony and discussions during subsequent BOE meetings, the BOE proposed and approved revisions to the Vital Sign Metrics on October 15, 2020 (“BOE Metrics”). The approved revisions included: converting existing metrics into a gap structure, requiring specific disaggregations, added metrics to cover areas of concern, and an updated reporting schedule.

Data Dashboard
To communicate timely and effectively with the BOE and public, the Department has created an interactive data dashboard to report the BOE Metrics. Data in this dashboard, provided by state level programs and schools, are reviewed, analyzed, and summarized in collaborative efforts by all levels of the tri-level system. The dashboard will be updated as required through continuous coordination between each level of the tri-level system.
To download the raw data as an excel file, click here.
To watch an instructional video of how to use this dashboard, click here.
DoE: Data dashboard tracks reopening metrics for 2020-21 school year
SA: First-quarter grades reveal Hawaii public school students’ struggles in adapting to learning during the pandemic …roughly 1 in 10 secondary students received a failing grade in English or math during the first quarter. But about 25% of high school students and 6% of middle school students had no grades recorded at all in English and math….
CB: The First Grades Of The New School Year Are In — And Hawaii’s Students Are Struggling
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