Hawai‘i COVID-19 Cases
News Release from Hawaii DoH, November 10, 2020 (two sections)
SOURCE FOR THIS SECTION: (updated daily at 1200)
On 11/10/2020, the Hawai‘i Department of Health reported 78 new positive cases. There are 4 cases on Hawai‘i Island, 5 on Maui, 62 on O‘ahu, and 9 out of state for a cumulative total of 16,088 cases statewide (reported since 2/28/2020). Two previous cases were removed from Kaua‘i and added to out of state cases due to updated laboratory information. In the coming days, this update will be removed and people will be directed to the data dashboard for the daily case numbers on each island.
A total of 574,852 tests have been performed and results received for the state.
(4,844 new tests by subtraction**)
(3,042 neg + 67 pos = 3,109 new tests per dashboard.)
NOTE: Per DoH, dashboard test numbers are distributed by the date the test was performed, not the date result was reported. Additional results will be added to each day's dashboard total over then next few days as late test results trickle in. Subtraction method includes tests and new cases from tests performed prior to today.
78 / 4,844 = 1.6% positive per subtraction
67 / 3,109 = 2.2% positive per dashboard
Detailed information and data about COVID-19 cases in Hawai‘i is available at:
Latest Cases in Hawai'i | Current Situation in Hawai'i | COVID-19 Data Dashboard | Tracking COVID-19
(**HFP EDITOR’s NOTE: Numbers marked with ‘**’ are derived by subtracting yesterday’s total from today’s.)
* * * * *
SOURCE FOR THIS SECTION: (updated daily at 3pm)
Total cases:16088* (78 new)
Residents diagnosed outside of Hawai‘i:127
Required Hospitalization:1180‡ (up 20***)
Hawaii deaths:222 (1 new death***)
Cases in the past 14 days**:1319 (up 13***)
Cumulative totals as of 3:00pm, November 10, 2020
If you have recovered from COVID-19 and want to help by donating plasma, register to donate today.
* As a result of updated information, two cases on Kauai were recategorized to Hawaii residents diagnosed outside of the state.
**Using cases reported in the past 14 days provides a rough approximation of the number of cases currently meeting criteria for isolation. This proxy number for “active cases” resolves classification issues for cases unable to be reached or who are out of jurisdiction, for whom precise release from isolation date may not be possible to determine. It is also not influenced by lags in data entry.
(***HFP EDITOR’s NOTE: Numbers marked with ‘***’ are derived by subtracting yesterday’s total from today’s.)
†One case is a Lanai resident whose exposure is on Maui Island and who will be remaining on Maui Island for the interim.
‡Includes Hawaii residents hospitalized out of state.
§Includes cases that meet isolation release criteria (Isolation should be maintained until at least 3 days (72 hours) after resolution of fever and myalgia without the use of antipyretics OR at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset, whichever is longer). (The cases that have died and one case that has left the jurisdiction have been removed from these counts).
Positive cases include presumptive and confirmed cases, and Hawaii residents and non-residents; data are preliminary and subject to change. Note that CDC provides case counts according to states of residence.
Detailed information and data about COVID-19 cases in Hawai‘i is available at:
Nov. 10, 2020
Department of Health:
One (1) Death and 78 New Cases Reported Today
DOH has recorded the death of one male on O‘ahu who was 60-69 years old and was hospitalized with underlying medical conditions. DOH also recorded 78 additional cases of COVID-19 today with the majority of them on O‘ahu (62). This is the second day in a row with double digit cases. The COVID-19 dashboard has complete statistics, visualizations, graphs and charts on all health and economic related factors. The dashboard is updated at 3 p.m. daily:
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, Nov. 10, 2020
Island of Diagnosis
New Cases
Reported since
(including new cases)
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI
Total Cases
++As a result of updated information, two cases on Kaua‘i were recategorized to Hawai‘i residents diagnosed outside of the state.
Hospitalizations as of 12:00 p.m. on Nov. 9, 2020 – Hawai‘i-10, Maui-4, O‘ahu-58, Kaua‘i-3

Safe Travels Hawaiʻi COVID-19 Evaluation Testing Program Update
Since last week’s update on Nov. 3, results of the Safe Travels Testing Evaluation Program show a very small number of travelers continue to test positive for COVID-19 post-arrival to Hawaiʻi. As of Nov. 9, there have been 18 confirmed positives out of 15,158 tests conducted for a positivity rate of .139% (total, since the program’s launch on Oct. 19).
Considerable efforts during the past week have been directed to improve and maximize the overall project efficiency. This includes (but not limited to) increased capacity for incoming travelers to get a post-arrival NAAT test and maximized project data flow between collaborating partners. Additionally, the team is working with the Hawaiʻi Department of Education to invite its employees to participate in the secondary testing following travel. Special communications to employees will be sent by DOE.
To participate in the study, individuals must have also participated in the Safe Travels Hawaiʻi pre-travel testing program, which requires travelers to receive a negative nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) from a trusted testing partner 72 hours prior to departure to Hawaiʻi in order to avoid the State of Hawaiʻi’s mandatory 14-day quarantine. The Safe Travels Testing Evaluation Program, or strategic surveillance study, collects and evaluates data from COVID-19 testing of travelers post-arrival to Hawaiʻi. The program is designed to estimate the frequency of COVID-19 among pre-tested returning residents and visitors and determine the effectiveness of the Safe Travels Hawaiʻi program.
Dr. DeWolfe Miller, epidemiologist from the University of Hawaiʻi’s John A. Burns School of Medicine, is leading the study in coordination with Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA), Governor’s Office, Lt. Gov. Josh Green and testing partners.
Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency:
Five Days Left for Free PPE for qualifying organizations
The Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) would like to remind everyone that free PPE distribution registration and ordering is still available for qualifying organizations until Sunday, November 15, 2020. Details on the program as well as who qualifies to participate can be found at the website: The email address for questions or issues is
Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority:
7,275 Passengers Arrive on Monday
Yesterday, a total of 7,275 people arrived in Hawai‘i from out of state. A total of 2,951 people indicated they came to Hawai‘i for vacation. There were also 1,330 returning residents. The trans-pacific passenger arrival data is derived from data provided by the Safe Travels digital system.

To view more:
Department of Public Safety:
Saguaro Correctional Center (AZ) Test Results and Statewide Inmate Mass Testing Continues
Testing of all Hawai‘i inmates at the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ was completed Thursday, October 29. The 662 inmates with first-round negative test results are being re-tested as part of surge testing efforts at the facility. So far 127 of the re-test results are negative, 44 are positive. The re-tests for the remaining negative inmates are pending. The current test results of the entire Hawaiʻi inmate population are broken down as follows:

There are five (5) inmates in the hospital. All other positive inmates are in medical isolation at the facility. The negative inmates remain in a precautionary quarantine. There are currently 1,081 inmates housed at Saguaro. The Department of Public Safety (PSD) has established an information hotline with recorded updates on the Saguaro testing at: 808-587-1421.
DOH testing of O‘ahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC) inmates and staff is continuous. There was one (1) OCCC inmate result received today that was negative. There are no OCCC inmates in the hospital. One more OCCC staff member has recovered and returned to work. Additionally, 90% of PSD staff who tested positive for COVID-19 have recovered. Information on PSD’s planning and response to COVID-19 can be found at: