Hawaii holding strong as a top post-pandemic travel destination
From Rent Cafe, May 26, 2020
Travel searches took a big hit due to the pandemic, but that didn’t stop people from dreaming of their future vacations in Hawaii. In fact, according to our latest study, Honolulu is the 5th most resilient US tourist destination during lockdown.
To come up with this, we analyzed travel-related Google searches for 960 destinations in the US and then ranked them by the smallest drops in interest from vacationers and people planning their next great escape.
Here are more findings related to the Aloha State:
Hawaii occupies 2 spots on our top 20 most resilient US destinations, with Honolulu and Kauai showing the 5th and 9th smallest decreases in travel searches compared to March and April last year.
Travel-related searches for all popular US tourist attractions dropped by 64% this spring compared to 2019. However, Honolulu and Kauai retained some of their online popularity, as searches for both cities went down by approx. 40%, below the national average.
Although travelers’ fascination with sunny getaways fell 60% compared to one year ago, Hawaii beaches are still trending, taking five spots on our top 10 most resilient beach destinations.
According to a survey of 15,000 rentcafe.com visitors, 42% of Americans want to stick to their vacation plans once it’s safe to travel again. City trips and traveling abroad left the limelight in favor of beach getaways and road trips.
You can find the full report, survey results and methodology >>> HERE <<<