Neil Abercrombie, Yet Another Covert Socialist in the Obama Orbit
by Trevor Loudon >>> discussion
Neil Abercrombie was a long time Hawaii Democratic Congressman and is currently running for the Governorship of that state.
Barack Obama, Neil Abercrombie
While in Congress, Neil Abercrombie was one of Barack Obama's earliest and most vocal supporters.
This is not surprising, as there is a close Obama/Abercrombie family connection and seemingly many shared values. Studying at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa in the early 1960s, Abercrombie attended classes with and befriended current United States President Barack Obama's parents, Stanley Ann Dunham and the young Marxist economist Barack Obama. Sr.
Obama, father and son, 1971
Neil Abercrombie claims to have been Barack Obama Sr's "best" friend. He also claims to have known young Barack Obama as a child and to know the values the future president of the United States was raised with. There maybe however an additional reason why Neil Abercrombie has been such a committed and zealous Obama supporter.
I have written previously of Barack Obama's close ties to the the US's largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America (D.S.A.):
Now it turns out that Neil Abercrombie also has D.S.A. ties. He has almost certainly been a covert member of that organization.
According to D.S.A.'s magazine Democratic Left, Nov./Dec. 1990, page 4, in 1990 the D.S.A. Political Action Committee endorsed two Congressional candidates including, "DSAer Democrat Neil Abercrombie seeking to regain the House seat representing Honolulu...."
Democratic Left Nov./Dec. 1990, page 4
Does the phrase "DSAer Democrat" mean Abercrombie was a member of that organization? A close associate and supporter of DSA like Bernie Sanders was described only as an “independent socialist”.
According to Democratic Left, Winter 2007, Neil Abercrombie and D.S.A. and Communist Party USA connected Congressman Dennis Kucinich spoke at a Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee event in Washington DC at the home of leftist "philanthropist" Stewart Mott. The event was in support of Bernie Sanders.
“He (Sanders)flew to Washington and the next day attended the Washington, D.C., DSA PAC party at the home of Stewart Mott. Not only did Bernie Sanders speak; so did members of Congress Neil Abercrombie (HI) and Dennis Kucinich (OH). Christine Riddiough, former DSA National Director, served as host/moderator'.”
Neil Abercrombie was also a member of the radical Congressional Progressive Caucus, which was founded by Bernie Sanders, with the help of D.S.A.
George (Skip) Roberts, who has long served as a D.S.A. rep to the Socialist International has also worked as an aide to Congressman Abercrombie. In recent years Roberts has been active in the Republican Party representing his boss, then SEIU president, Andy Stern.

Abercrombie's wife Nancie Caraway, an academic, noted for her far left views, has also been a D.S.A. member. In 1985, Dr. Nancie Caraway of Hawaii was listed as a member of the Feminist Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America.
DSA Feminist Commission Directory, 1985
Note the presence of Barabara Ehrenreich on this list. in 2008, Ehrenreich founded Progressives for Obama , with D.S.A. comrades Bill Fletcher, Jr. and Tim Carpenter.
Nancie Caraway is also a big Obama supporter. At Hawaii's Democratic Party headquarters, on Hawaii primary election night, February 2008, Caraway said that there were upwards of 5,000 people in her polling station...she described the turnout as inspirational. "I'm a postmodernist cynic," she said. "This is a new page in American political culture." At the "request of the Obama Administration", Dr. Caraway currently serves as a consultant to U.S. Ambassador Luis C. de Baca in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.
To my knowledge Neil Abercrombie has never declared his affiliation with the D.S.A. Marxists to the voters of Hawaii. Perhaps he was concerned they might unnecessarily worry as to where his true allegiances lay?
While an ardent opponent of almost every U.S. War from Vietnam to Iraq, Abercrombie finished his Congressional term as chairman of the Armed Forces Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces. It would be interesting to know if Abercrombie ever declared his socialist affiliations to government security bodies before accepting this sensitive post.

A 1990s D.S.A. National Political Committee member and Obama admirer, Kurt Stand, is currently serving a very long jail sentence for spying for the former Soviet Union and East Germany.
As an aspiring Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, needs to answer some serious questions.