March for Life - This Thursday!
2020 Public Policy Priorities
From Hawaii Family Advocates, January 10, 2020
Hawaii Family Advocates intends to monitor the Hawaii Legislature and testify and otherwise weigh in on bills that are within these public policy priorities which we share with Hawaii Family Forum.
Every human life has value because we believe life is created by a loving God in His image. We affirm and protect human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Hawaii already has some of the most liberal laws in the nation regarding abortion and assisted suicide so we will work against expansion while strengthening laws that support life.
Priority Issues:
- Suicide prevention and education including those experiencing end-of-life decisions, and promote access to resources and community education
- Prevent the expansion of abortion services in Hawaii and promote access to adoption, counseling and resources provided by pregnancy resource centers and pregnancy medical centers that do not provide abortion services
- Prevent the expansion of assisted suicide in Hawaii and promote access to good hospice and palliative care.
Every human life has value, and that life comes from the sacred union between one man and one woman in a life long committed marriage. We will affirm and protect the family as defined by God.
Priority Issues:
- Protection of our keiki (children) from sex and human trafficking by supporting and strengthening laws as appropriate and working with local agencies and resources
- Protection of our keiki (children) from drug addiction by strengthening laws as appropriate and working with local agencies and resources
- Protection of our kupuna (elderly) from financial exploitation and abuse by strengthening laws as appropriate and working with local agencies and resources
Religious faith is the cornerstone of what we do. We affirm and protect the freedom of Hawaii residents to practice their faith according to their deeply held religious convictions.
Priority Issues:
- Stop any effort to force pharmacies and/or pharmacists to dispense drugs that are contrary to their religious belief
- Monitor all laws in Hawaii to ensure that people of faith can bring their faith into their workplaces without government interference or coercion.