Morning Consult's Governor and Senator Approval Rankings
From Morning Consult, October 17, 2019
On a daily basis, Morning Consult is surveying over 5,000 registered voters across the United States on their governor and senators. Each quarter, we’ll update this page with the latest survey data, providing an in-depth look at how all 50 governors stand with voters in their state….
- David Ige (D-HI) Approve -- 36% Don’t Know -- 15% Disapprove -- 50% (rank 48th)
About Morning Consult Political Intelligence
On a daily basis, Morning Consult surveys over 5,000 registered voters across the United States. Along with approval ratings for governors, Political Intelligence tracks the 2020 election as well as the approval ratings for all senators, and House members, the President, and more at the national, state and congressional district level. Each week, we will release a report with the most important findings on the 2020 election. Sign-up to receive that report in your inbox here.
Results from the most recent update
Morning Consult conducted 533,985 surveys with registered U.S. voters from July 1 through September 30, 2019, to determine the Q3 2019 Governor Rankings.
The margins of error vary by state and party. You can see the margin of error for each governor here.
In each poll, Americans indicated whether they approve or disapprove of the job performance of their governor. For each question, they could answer strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, strongly disapprove, or don’t know / no opinion.
Morning Consult obtained population parameters for registered voters from the November 2012 Current Population Survey. We applied post-stratification weights based on gender, age, educational attainment and race.