Kalihi Complete Streets project corridors
Kalihi Complete Streets community meeting Sept. 17
News Release from City and County of Honolulu, September 10, 2019
HONOLULU – The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is pleased to announce a public kick-off meeting for Kalihi Complete Streets improvements focused on North King Street, Waiakamilo Road/Houghtailing Street, Middle Street and North School Street.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Governor Wallace Rider Farrington High School Cafeteria at 1564 N. King Street. The meeting will include a presentation by city staff and consultants, followed by an opportunity for attendees to share their local knowledge, concerns, and visions through interactive activities.
The goals of this meeting are to inform the community of the project; understand how the community uses these streets and what concerns or challenges they have; and explore Complete Streets concepts that can make these roadways safer for everyone, including keiki and kūpuna.
Complete Streets is a transportation and design approach that focuses on the following:
- Creating streets that are safe and convenient for all people
- Designs to accommodate people of all ages and abilities traveling by foot, bicycle, transit, or automobile
- Diverges from a singular focus on moving vehicles and toward a design approach that is integrated with the community's vision and sense of place
Community engagement is essential to ensuring the city develops recommendations under Complete Streets that reflect community needs and character. To learn more, provide feedback, subscribe to our mailing list, or for project updates, please visit the Complete Streets website at: www.honolulu.gov/completestreets.
For questions and/or comments on the Kalihi Complete Streets project, or if special accommodations are needed for this meeting, please contact Cate Picardo at (808) 521-5631, allowing three business days for accommodations.