Here is what one Hawaii “peace activist” is doing only two weeks after being detained in Israel as part of the Gaza Flotilla:
From AP: At spill hearing, BP CEO says he's 'deeply sorry' June 17, 2010
As Hayward began to testify, a woman protester disrupted the hearing and had to be forcibly removed from the room by Capitol police. The woman, identified as Diane Wilson, shouted to Hayward from the back of the room: "You need to be charged with a crime." She was grabbed by Capitol police and taken from the room….
Diane Wilson
She was joined by Ann Wright, 63, of Honolulu, Hawaii, who wore a BP hard hat, overalls and sunglasses adorned with dollar signs.
"BP doesn't really care about this," she said, pulling out an oil-stained rubber ducky.
Ann Wright at left with hardhat. Between Wilson and Wright, is former Cuba resident Medea Benjamin, who in 2002 co-founded “Code Pink” along with a witch named Starhawk.
She’s not a professional protester, really: Honolulu “peace activist” caught lying about Gaza Flotilla (Ann Wright interviewed by Israeli media)
VIDEO June 1: Ann Wright, taken from Gaza flotilla
Honolulu Maoists & Holocaust Deniers protest against Israel: Star-Bulletin calls them ‘peace activists’
SB: Israel detains Hawaii activist (June 2, 2010)
In Honolulu, peace groups held a rally yesterday outside the federal building on Ala Moana Boulevard to protest the Israeli action. Waving posters denouncing Israel and U.S. support for Israeli policy, the demonstrators appealed to drivers for support. Many of the activists said they knew Wright personally. (And here are two of Wright’s Honolulu friends)
"Ann is so inspirational," said Carolyn Hadfield (Leader of Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party and “Not In Our Name” NION). "She has that military background, so she must have soberly assessed the risks and decided it was worth it." (Ann Wright is closely affiliated with Hadfield… hmmmmm)
Michael Rivero, webmaster of the activist (Holocaust denier and 9-11 trooother) website, said Wright is "a very well-liked, very well-respected peace activist." He likened the Israeli raid to piracy and called it "an act of war."
VIDEOS: Flotilla “Peace Activists” chant “Oh Jews, the army of Mohammad will return.”
Double Standards on Hamas Action Against Palestinians
Gaza: Violence and Humanitarian Aid
February, 2010: Ann Wright (at mike) protests with usual gaggle at Pohakuloa: Pohakuloa: Double defeat for anti-DU scammers

She’s not a professional protester, really.