by Andrew Walden
The law signed yesterday by Acting Governor Duke Aiona mandating 180 days school has shifted the methodology being used by the BoE/DoE/HSTA hostage takers.
Having received the $69.4M ransom they demanded in exchange for the elimination of furloughs, BoE Chair Garrett Toguchi is now demanding even more ransom be paid in exchange for not increasing class size by laying off front line teaching personnel.
Obviously the BoE/DoE/HSTA is conducting a joint labor-management political strike/lockout to extract money from the General Fund. Such extractions will come out of the pocket of the HGEA or the taxpayers. The one potential target sure to escape unscathed—DoE procurement corruption.
Now, instead of striking on selected “Furlough Fridays” they are going to order a partial strike of selected sections of their membership/workforce. Of course, as dictated by the Washington Monument Gambit, those sent out on strike (laid off) will be selected on the basis of the need to maximize the effect on parents and students. Hawaii can count on athletic directors and coaches, special education personnel, and front line classroom teachers being directed by management and labor to withhold their services.
Since everybody knows that every penny needed to fund 180-day education is already in the $2B DoE budget, obviously BoE Chair Toguchi is threatening a labor-management strike/lockout with the political goal of forcing a change in the State budget.
June 15, 2010
HONOLULU -- Hawaii State Board of Education Chairman Garrett Toguchi released the following statement today regarding the signing of House Bill 2486 into law:
I am pleased that the law recognizes the importance of learning time to help our students succeed. However, increasing instructional hours has a cost, and it will be imperative that our public school system be adequately funded under this new mandate. Failure to provide necessary support for our schools and employees would be detrimental to the quality of education and lead to layoffs.
REALITY: Hawaii DoE: Cost of waste, fraud, and corruption between $191M and $431M per year