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Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted April 8, 2019
By Selected News Articles @ 11:58 PM :: 3889 Views :: Congressional Delegation

Weekly Update

from GovTrack.us, April 8, 2019


Apr 1, 2019 5:30 p.m. — Vote

Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Amdt. No. 201 to H.R. 268

Cloture Motion Rejected 44/49

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Nay

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Nay

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 1, 2019 6:14 p.m. — Vote

Motion to Invoke Cloture on H.R. 268

Cloture Motion Rejected 46/48

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Yea

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Yea

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 1, 2019 6:56 p.m. — Vote

H.R. 1593: CLASS Act of 2019

Passed 384/18

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 1, 2019 7:06 p.m. — Vote

H.R. 1590: Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2019

Passed 394/7

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 1, 2019 7:17 p.m. — Vote

On Approving the Journal

Passed 207/181

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 2, 2019 1:43 p.m. — Vote

On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 274: Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 7) to direct the ...

Passed 231/191

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 2, 2019 1:53 p.m. — Vote

H.Res. 274: Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 7) to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress; providing for consideration of the reso

Passed 230/188

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 2, 2019 2:15 p.m. — Vote

Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Motion to Proceed to S. Res. 50

Cloture on the Motion to Proceed Rejected 51/48

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Nay

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Nay

This was the first in what is expected to be a series of votes on a bill to shorten the time the Senate may debate most presidential nominees. Although this resolution was filibustered after failing to reach the necessary 3/5ths majority, it is expected that the Senate may change its rules to require a simple majority and vote again. This was the procedure used to confirm the nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch two years ago.

Read our summary of S.Res.50 below:

How much time should the Senate have to debate most presidential nominees: 30 hours, or only two hours?


The Senate has to approve about 1,200 to 1,400 executive branch appointments made by the ...

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 2, 2019 4:25 p.m. — Vote

H.R. 540: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 770 Ayrault Road in Fairport, New York, as the “Louise and Bob Slaughter Post Office”.

Passed 414/7

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 2, 2019 4:34 p.m. — Vote

On Approving the Journal

Passed 222/189

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Not Voting

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 2:01 p.m. — Vote

On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 281: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1585) to reauthorize the Violence Against ...

Passed 231/193

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Yea

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 2:02 p.m. — Vote

Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Jeffrey Kessler to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce: Jeffrey Kessler, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce

Cloture Motion Agreed to 95/3

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Yea

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Yea

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 2:12 p.m. — Vote

H.Res. 281: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1585) to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, and for other purposes.

Passed 231/194

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Yea

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 2:22 p.m. — Vote

H.Res. 271: Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care.

Passed 240/186

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Yea

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 3:13 p.m. — Vote

On the Decision of the Chair PN92: Jeffrey Kessler, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce

Decision of Chair Not Sustained 48/51

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Yea

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Yea

This was the "nuclear option" vote, the second of seven votes on the three presidential nominations. In this vote, the Senate changed its rules for cloture votes on presidential nominations from requiring a 3/5ths threshold of elected senators to a simple majority vote.

Why the vote was taken

A vote on cloture is a vote to limit further debate and move to an up-or-down vote, in other words to prevent a filibuster. In a previous vote, on a resolution to to shorten the time the Senate may debate presidential nominees failed to reach the 3/5ths threshold. In this vote the Senate changed its rules so that they could bypass the filibuster when approving presidential nominations.

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 4:38 p.m. — Vote

Motion to Invoke Cloture on Roy Kalman Altman, of Florida, to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Florida: Roy Kalman Altman, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida

Cloture Motion Agreed to 66/33

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Nay

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Nay

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 5:16 p.m. — Vote

On the Decision of the Chair PN211: Roy Kalman Altman, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida

Decision of Chair Not Sustained 48/51

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Yea

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Yea

This was the "nuclear option" vote, the second of seven votes on the three presidential nominations. In this vote, the Senate changed its rules for cloture votes on presidential nominations from requiring a 3/5ths threshold of elected senators to a simple majority vote.

Why the vote was taken

A vote on cloture is a vote to limit further debate and move to an up-or-down vote, in other words to prevent a filibuster. In a previous vote, on a resolution to to shorten the time the Senate may debate presidential nominees failed to reach the 3/5ths threshold. In this vote the Senate changed its rules so that they could bypass the filibuster when approving presidential nominations.

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 5:23 p.m. — Vote

H.Amdt. 117 (Jeffries) to H.R. 1585: Amendment requires that the materials distributed by various federal agencies as set out by the bill are made available in commonly encountered languages. Such materials include information about resources for and rig

Agreed to 363/67

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 5:29 p.m. — Vote

H.Amdt. 118 (Scanlon) to H.R. 1585: Amendment requires the Comptroller General of the United States to submit to Congress a report on the return on investment for legal assistance grants awarded pursuant to section 1201 of division B of the Victims of Tr

Agreed to 394/36

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 5:35 p.m. — Vote

H.Amdt. 123 (Waters) to H.R. 1585: Amendment creates a new purpose area to the grants to combat violent crimes on campuses, which allows grant funds to be used for the training of campus personnel in how to use victim-centered, trauma-informed interview

Agreed to 258/173

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 3, 2019 5:43 p.m. — Vote

H.Amdt. 126 (Wagner) to H.R. 1585: Amendment ensures that the Creating Hope through Outreach, Options, Service, and Education for Children and Youth (CHOOSE Children and Youth) Program can continue to include programs that address sex trafficking.

Agreed to 429/0

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 11:13 a.m. — Vote

H.R. 829: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1450 Montauk Highway in Mastic, New York, as the “Army Specialist Thomas J. Wilwerth Post Office Building”.

Passed 423/0

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Yea

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Yea

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 11:36 a.m. — Vote

On Motion to Commit with Instructions: S.J.Res. 7: A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from ...

Failed 194/228

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: No

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: No

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 11:45 a.m. — Vote

S.J.Res. 7: A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.

Passed 247/175

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

A recently House-passed bill, which seems likely to pass in the Senate, could mark President Trump's first veto in office.


Yemen has been mired in a civil war since March 2015, between the internationally-recognized government and an Islamic armed rebel group called the Houthis, along with their allies including ISIS and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). More than 60,000 people have died in the conflict to date.

Saudi Arabia, which borders Yemen to the north, has led a coalition of nations aiming to restore and reinforce the preexisting Yemeni government in power -- through airstrikes, bombing campaigns, and other military actions. The U.S. had been helping support that effort, across both the Obama and Trump ...

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 11:49 a.m. — Vote

On the Nomination PN211: Roy Kalman Altman, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida

Nomination Confirmed 66/33

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Nay

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Nay

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 11:55 a.m. — Vote

H.Amdt. 156 (Torres Small) to H.R. 1585: Page 171, insert after line 2 the following (and conform the table of contents accordingly): SEC. 1408. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH IMMIGRATION LAWS. Nothing in this Act, or in any amendment ….

Agreed to 425/0

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 12:16 p.m. — Vote

On Motion to Recommit with Instructions: H.R. 1585: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019

Failed 185/237

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: No

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: No

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 12:23 p.m. — Vote

Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Mark Anthony Calabria to be Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency: Mark Anthony Calabria, of Virginia, to be Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency for a term of five years

Cloture Motion Agreed to 53/46

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Nay

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Nay

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 12:33 p.m. — Vote

H.R. 1585: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019

Passed 263/158

Rep. Case [D-HI1]: Aye

Rep. Gabbard [D-HI2]: Aye

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


Apr 4, 2019 2:41 p.m. — Vote

On the Nomination PN1: Mark Anthony Calabria, of Virginia, to be Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency for a term of five years

Nomination Confirmed 52/44

Sen. Hirono [D-HI]: Nay

Sen. Schatz [D-HI]: Nay

Trackers: Roll Call Votes.


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