Friday, May 28, 2010 |
CIP: Lingle-Aiona administration advance $1.8B capital improvement projects
By News Release @ 9:31 PM :: 6211 Views :: Energy, Environment
HONOLULU 5-27-10 – Governor Linda Lingle today announced that the State has advanced more than $1.8 billion in capital improvement projects (CIP) statewide, exceeding the original goal of the Lingle-Aiona Administration’s plan launched in December 2008 to accelerate public infrastructure construction as part of a comprehensive effort to stimulate the economy and create jobs. Over the past 17 months, the State has successfully opened bids for, awarded contracts for or started construction on 827 capital improvement projects totaling $1,851,513,340.
The original 18-month plan focused on 1,500 capital improvement projects totaling $1.8 billion which were previously budgeted and approved by the Legislature. While the State has focused on these 1,500 projects, the State has expanded its plan to include 2,470 construction projects, totaling $4,621,269,610.
“We remain focused on working collaboratively with the construction industry, trade unions and counties to help revitalize our economy and create jobs,” said Governor Lingle. “This comprehensive and aggressive capital improvement plan is a key component of moving our state forward, and investing in the modernization of our public infrastructure, buildings and facilities.”
The State estimates the $1.8 billion in capital improvement projects has generated approximately 23,884 direct and indirect jobs statewide in the construction industry and other related sectors. This is based on a Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism formula which estimates that for every million dollars invested, 12.9 direct and indirect jobs are created.
The number of direct construction jobs created by the capital improvement projects is approximately 5,554. This is based on a formula used by the construction industry which estimates that for every million dollars, three direct construction jobs are created.
Projects Advancing by Department # of Projects Cost
- Department of Accounting and General Services 161 $225,923,212
- Department of Agriculture 8 $16,888,465
- Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism 5 $11,980,233
- Department of Defense 6 $4,036,800
- Department of Education 375 $269,181,928
- Department of Hawaiian Home Lands 26 $164,944,751
- Department of Human Services 31 $53,086,441
- Department of Land and Natural Resources 47 $67,357,085
- Department of Transportation 82 $789,471,682
- University of Hawai‘i 86 $248,642,743
Total 827 $1,851,513,340
Projects Advancing by Island # of Projects Cost
- O‘ahu 491 $978,295,682
- Hawai‘i 149 $431,665,970
- Maui 100 $283,318,510
- Kaua‘i 53 $108,063,444
- Moloka‘i 21 $17,166,085
- Lāna‘i 9 $16,398,233
- Statewide projects 4 $16,605,416
Total 827 $1,851,513,340
Investing in capital improvement projects and the modernization of Hawai‘i’s infrastructure is a major part of the Governor’s five-point action plan to stimulate the economy. Other components of the five-point plan include increasing tourism marketing and outreach; lowering business fees and providing tax relief; attracting private investment, especially in renewable energy technology; and maximizing federal dollars and partnerships.
Progress of all the capital improvement projects can be tracked on the Governor’s website at www.hawaii.gov/cip.