8 Ways To Stop HB 444 (Civil Unions)
From Hawaii Family Forum
As you are all well aware, HB 444 is still sitting on the Governor’s desk. This week she met with people from both sides, and is currently contemplating her final decision.
Several people have contacted us asking us for specific action items as we await her decision. The Governor’s office is currently, as they have been all along, taking phone calls about the issue to see where the community stands. These calls give the governor an idea of how people feel on the issue.
If you live in Hawaii and are concerned with the passage of HB 444, then we strongly encourage you to call her office at the following numbers:
(808) 586-0034 (Oahu) | (808) 974-6262 (Hilo) | (808) 274-3100 (Kauai) | (808) 243-5796 (Maui)
Remember to be polite and very clear about what your position is. You do not need to get into any long winded discussions about the bill. Just succinctly and politely state your opposition.
- Pray
- CALL Governor Lingle’s office (phone numbers are listed above)
- SAVE the Governor’s phone number in your cell phone. When you run into like-minded people, dial the number for them & hand them your phone so they, too, can leave their name/address & veto message.
- WRITE a personal letter to Governor Lingle in opposition to HB444 and include a picture of your family. TO ensure she gets the letter right away, please fax or email your letter to her office right away (information in step 5 and 6 below). Mailing address for the letter is listed in step 7 below.
- FAX the completed letter to (808) 586-0006.
- You can also EMAIL your letter, with a picture of your family as an attachment, to the following email addresses: gov.policy@hawaii.gov & governor.lingle@hawaii.gov.
- We encourage you to SEND the hard copy of your letter to the Governor. Mailing Address: Office of the Governor, Hawai‘i State Capitol, Executive Chambers Honolulu, HI 96813. Remember to keep an hard copy of your letter for your own files.
- ENCOURAGE your family and friends to do the same.
- The Hawaii Legislature is disenfranchising thousands of Hawaii’s voters who have consistently lobbied the Legislature in large numbers against HB444 for the past 2 years.
- HB444 is not the result of sincere legislative debate and honest constituent representation. Rather, it is the product of political maneuvering.
- HB444 lacks the sufficient tangible legal structure required to responsibly create, legislate, and reinforce a new kind of family unit.
- Children’s physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual needs are best met when both a mother and a father are in the home.
- To honor the democratic process, supporters of HB444 should focus their energy and money on voter education, rather than the manipulative tactics of social engineering.
- Nationally, the democratic process is abused by judges and legislatures who disenfranchise their voters by legalizing Same-Sex Marriage and Civil Unions after their voters clearly demonstrate their will to the contrary. Please do not let this happen in Hawaii.