Table of the proposed parking rates over six years. Link to larger PDF.
UH Mānoa proposes parking rate hike to improve facilities and services
From UH News, August 28, 2018
The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is proposing its first parking rate increase in eight years, and just the second in 20 years, to help make essential improvements to the aging parking facilities on campus. The proposed increase will help to extend the life of the current parking facilities for at least 20 more years and also ensure that our self-funded commuter services program can keep pace with inflation, including dramatically increased fringe benefit costs and ongoing maintenance needs. To minimize the impact of this painful but necessary action, the proposed rate increases would be implemented over a six-year period starting in fall 2019.
More information available at two open houses
Two open houses will be held to provide information on the proposed rate increases, the improvements they would support, and to provide information on other commuter services available for the campus community. They will be held at the Campus Center Courtyard from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on August 30 and September 18. Commuter Services staff will be available to answer questions. Information is also available at Commuter Services, or send questions to uhmpark@hawaii.edu.
What’s Changing
The new rate structure creates three tiers of permit parking:
- The 1st tier would be the employee rate for surface parking lots that are located in close proximity to buildings. This would include surface parking lots on lower campus and would be a change from the current parking rate structure where all lower campus permits are charged at the same rate.
- The 2nd tier would be the employee rate for the Dole Street and lower campus parking structures.
- The 3rd tier would be the student rate and would be a new tier. Currently, students pay the same lower campus annual parking rate as employees. Because current rates are already considerably low, this differential would not go into effect until year two of the proposed rate increase schedule in fall 2020 (fiscal year 2021).
Where Will the Funds Be Used

Table of funding. Link for larger PDF.
The parking rate increase will fund a $35 million bond issuance for improvements and repairs to campus parking facilities to extend their life for at least another twenty years. These improvements will be implemented in three phases over the next several years:
- Phase 1: Railing repairs, fire safety upgrades, and elevator modernization
- Phase 2: Parking deck waterproofing, expansion joints replacement, and drain repairs
- Phase 3: Wall repairs and parking lot resurfacing
Parking rate comparisons

Table of comparisons to other institutions. Link to larger PDF.
Even considering the proposed new parking rate schedule, parking at UH Mānoa is still a good value when compared with commercial off-campus parking sites.
Input to UH Board of Regents
The administration plans to take the rate increase to the UH Board of Regents (BOR) as soon as it can be scheduled. Once the BOR approves the request to have it placed on the agenda the campus community will be welcome to submit testimony at bor@hawaii.edu or testify in person.

Chart of funding breakdown. Link for larger PDF.
UH Mānoa Commuter Services is self-funded
Commuter Services, which operates the UH Mānoa parking program, does not receive tuition funds, general funds, or student fees. Revenues from services offered are the sole source of financial support for the program. Commuter Services is responsible for all matters related to commuting to the Mānoa campus including not only the management and care of the parking structure and campus parking lots but also: administering parking permits and enforcement; the Rainbow Shuttle service; bike racks and cages; skateboard racks; bike maintenance facilities; the car share program; and the Biki bike service, which will be launched during the fall 2018 semester.
Current and improved services
Commuter Services strives to encourage sustainable modes of transportation while supporting access to campus for all types of commuters. Here are some of the initiatives and services that contribute to these efforts:
- Rainbow Shuttle
- Carshare (short-term on-campus vehicle rentals)
- Preferential carpool permits/parking
- Upgraded electric vehicle charging stations
- Bicycling support services
- Secure bike cage
- Bike repair stations
- Bicycle education and safety programs
- Coming soon—BIKI bike share program
Commuter Services is also planning to implement new technologies that will improve customer satisfaction, reduce operational costs, and securely take payment for parking business. These technologies will include upgrading the parking pay stations, implementing a license plate recognition permitting and enforcement system, and mobile payments. These improvements are intended to be implemented starting in fall 2019.
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