Beadie Kanahele Dawson
Aloha Friend, August 2, 2018
Our campaign is gaining more and more traction among the leaders of our community!
Beadie Kanahele Dawson is a Native Hawaiian Rights Advocate, real estate attorney, and was the attorney for Na Pua a Ke Alii Pauahi, a group formed by Kamehameha students, parents and alumni, in its stand against the corrupt Bishop Estate trustees at the center of the Broken Trust scandal.
Beadie has endorsed our campaign and our push for accountability and transparency at OHA because she wants to restore the community’s trust in OHA, just as she sought to bring trust back to Bishop Estate!
You can read Beadie's statement below:
We all know how important and consequential elections are. This year, we have a very unique opportunity to elect a man as Oahu Trustee for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs that will change the course of local history. I am speaking of Samuel Wilder King II, a competent and ethical Hawaiian attorney.
This is what I know Sam wants to bring to OHA:
Correct the excesses and disallow personal expenses as was exposed by the state audits resulting in the current state and federal investigations into corruption.
Eliminate non-competitive, un-budgeted spending by OHA.
Push for the public release of more information about the board’s decision-making process.
Sam is carrying on the family legacy, shouldering the responsibility that comes with being elected to such an important post. His Hawaiian ancestry can be traced to the great chief of Ko`olaupoku, Kalaniho`olumokuikekai, who was killed fighting against Kamehameha in the battle of Nu`uanu in 1795. His great-grandfather was Governor Samuel Wilder King, our first governor of native Hawaiian ancestry.
Sam's grandfather was the revered federal judge, Samuel Pailthorpe King, Sr. It was Judge King, who, with other community leaders exposed the waste, fraud and mismanagement of the Bishop Estate Trustees through his co-authorship of the book “Broken Trust”.
Please join me and tell all your friends and family to vote for Samuel Wilder King II for Oahu Trustee for OHA. Let the makua smile again on our people.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana,
Beadie Kanahele Dawson