RESPONSE TO THIS ARTICLE: AtomicMonkey responds: “Some of us work for the City…we proudly stand by description of Abercrombie as ‘flailing gasbag’”
by Andrew Walden
It wasn’t easy tracking down who is behind the famous (or infamous) anti-Abercrombie website
The site features a mix of well-done opposition research with satirical materials comparing Abercrombie’s wife Nancie Caraway to “a witch” or Abercrombie to a “flailing gasbag”.

AtomicMonkey Caption: According to Pat Robertson, Neil’s wife, Nancie Caraway, may actually be a witch.
The site description claims no affiliation with Mufi’s campaign:
This blog is meant to provide a humorous look at current events in Hawaii’s political scene. Atomic Monkey represents the opinions of its editor and contributing authors and is presented as parody for your amusement.
This site is not operated by or compensated in any way by either the campaigns of Duke Aiona, Mufi Hannemann or any other current candidate for public office. Feel free to participate in the open blogs, but please refrain from obscenity.
But eventually even the most security-conscious information strategists slip up. And under the AtomicMonkey May 2 article, “Abercrombie: Gay Rights Trump Will of the People”, the webmaster finally gave a clue about his identity with this posting:
atomicmonkey | May 3, 2010 at 6:01 pm
We don’t post comments from well-know individuals unless they are verified as legitimate. This is due to recent attempts at cyber impersonation. Please contact Bob at
A Google search for “Bob AtomicMonkey” leads to this interesting exchange under the heading Neil Abercrombie Political Profile Similar to that of Ho Chi Minh (note that question and answer are only five minutes apart).
Bob Wiesel | March 6, 2010 at 10:45 pm
I wonder how Neil reconciles his liberal left-wing philosophy with his defense industry contributors? Sounds like an awkward fit at best…who is being compromised more?
atomicmonkey | March 6, 2010 at 10:50 pm
You know the old saying “money talks, bull**** walks.” This is a case where both thrive simultaneously
And then a Google search for “Bob Wiesel” leads to his Facebook page where one discovers that Bob Wiesel’s Facebook Icon is the infamous Atomic Monkey logo:

Bob Wiesel’s Facebook Friends include longtime Mufi Hannemann rep Keith Rollman -- a name which some might remember from and the website which KGMB traced back to political gadfly Eric Ryan in 2008. There is still dispute over whether Ryan or Rollman was responsible for the now defunct FirePanos site.
Wiesel’s Facebook page includes a link to Mufi Hannemann
Wiesel lists only one interest: “throwing poop”
Wiesel’s only Facebook activity: “blogging and twittering”
AtomicMonkey “Flailing Gasbag Animation” and caption
As befits a “blogger and twitterer”, Wiesel is often found commenting on the discussion boards of local media outlets pushing Hannemann administration policy. In February, 2007 Volcanic Ash columnist David Shapiro had this exchange in which he identified Wiesel’s posts as originating from a IP address:
SHAPIRO: There's always a story behind the story 02/14/07
02/14/07 @ 11:19
Comment from: Bob Wiesel [Visitor]
Sounds like the Mayor wanted to get his position out to the media as NEWS, not as David Shapiro's OPINION.
02/15/07 @ 07:39
Comment from: Bob Wiesel [Visitor]
It’s not suprising that Shapiro’s blog attracts and incites the anti-Hannemann crowd...waking up even the old MMLG dinosaurs. He even makes room for an off-topic anti-rail guy. So, what’s the point, Dave, of rolling your big anti-Hannemann mud ball down the mountain…just to see what sticks?
02/15/07 @ 09:21
Comment from: dshapiro [Member]
Just curious ... I notice that your post comes from a IP address. Are you a city employee?
02/15/07 @ 13:39
Comment from: Bob Wiesel [Visitor]
Everybody was aware of the sewer problems as early as 1995 when the EPA nailed the city with a consent decree to rebuild the system. In the 10 years prior to Hannemann becoming mayor, and following the consent decree, little progress was made…hence the time bomb under Waikiki. To put it into perspective, Hannemann’s first two capital improvement budgets (FY 2006 and 2007) were over 50% dedicated to sewer repair…more than the previous administration budgeted in the previous ten years. In other words Mufi's top priority was to fix the sewer infrastructure, just as he promised during his campaign. Those are the facts. Yy’s spin is a bunch of B.S.
In a June, 2007 Volcanic Ash discussion Wiesel’s comment is tagged with the website:
Posted on: June 13, 2007
Aiona steps out of the background
Comment from: Bob Wiesel [Visitor] ·
Dear Mr. Hu, You have lost your mind. Mahalo, Bob
06/13/07 @ 11:50
And finally in August, 2008, Wiesel goes after anti-rail leader Cliff Slater:
August 27th, 2008
Robert Wiesel:
August 27th, 2008 at 12:25 pm
Why to you support only solutions that perpetuate the use of oil, automobiles, rubber tires and asphalt? Seems like you are strickly for the status quo and old corporate interests.
An emailed request for comment was not answered by Bob Wiesel. We will update if a response is received.
UPDATE: A new May 19 posting on AtomicMonkey states:
Atomic Monkey is an independent blog, NOT a Mufi site. We have not advocated FOR any candidate and have focused on the reasons why Neil Abercrombie should not be elected.
Of course, Mufi Hannemann must defeat Neil Abercrombie in the Sept 18 Democratic Primary if he is to stand for governor in the General Election Nov 2.