Honolulu Socialists Foolishly Allow Rep Kaniela Ing to Join Up
by Andrew Walden
Just as people were beginning to forget that Gulag thingy--more self-inflicted damage to the Socialist cause--The Honolulu Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has endorsed Rep Mark Kaniela Saito Ing for Congress.

What’s worse, they accepted Ing as a card-carrying member.
According to the DSA Honolulu Meetup site, Honolulu Socialists have 151 comrades. With Ing at 2% in the polls, those 151 represent a substantial portion of the votes Ing is projected to receive August 11 in his oblivious quest for the Democratic nomination for CD1.

A soon-to-be-unemployed Hawaii Legislator marries a Top Corporate Lobbyist: At least we now know what Socialists mean by “working families.” (But, to be fair, Ing does moonlight as a BMW mechanic.)
Ing is not Hawaii’s only Socialist elected official. Akamai readers will remember this from 2010: “Neil Abercrombie: Secret member of Democratic Socialists of America.” We all know how that turned out.

“DSA HNL members with @ninaturner“
Ing retweeted this Feb 9, 2018 photo from the DSAHawaii Twitter feed.
NZ: EXCLUSIVE: MARXIST DEMOCRATS PART 5: KANIELA ING for Hawaii’s First Congressional District
Kaniela Ing: The Gift That Just Keeps on Giving