Hawaii DoE Organizing Walkout for March 14--Using Students as pawns in Effort to Gut Constitution of 2nd Amendment
Students encouraged to participate in March 14 walkout — with caveats
From Hawaii Tribune Herald March 3, 2018 (with editorial comments in parenthesis)
...The state Department of Education is advising schools statewide to create a “designated walkout area” for students who want to participate in upcoming protests against gun violence, Superintendent Christina Kishimoto said in a Friday letter to parents.
(Translation: Principals are being instructed to schedule a rally on their school campus. And the Sup't just advertised the rallies to every single parent and student.)
On March 14, students throughout the country are announcing plans on social media to participate in National School Walkout Day. The protest is slated to begin at 10 a.m. and will last for 17 minutes to honor the lives of the 17 people who died in the recent school shooting at a Florida high school.
(Summary: The mentally ill are allowed to roam free and illegally obtain guns. The latest example of the inevitable result--a school shooting in Florida--is then used to restrict the 2nd amendment --and 1st amendment-- rights of sane citizens. When the demos becomes disorderly because the insane are introduced into it, the demos loses rights.)
On April 20, a second protest is planned at 10 a.m. on the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado.
(On 420. Now you know where the mental illness is coming from.)
The DOE “supports students’ constitutional rights to a peaceful assembly and free expression,” Kishimoto said in the letter, though “disorderly conduct that disrupts school operations is not acceptable and will be appropriately handled in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.”
(Translation: Students must make our events look good or else.)
Additionally, Kishimoto said students who leave campus during the event will be marked with an “unexcused tardiness or absence.”
(Translation: Stay on campus to swell up our crowd counts or be punished.)
She said participation in any walkout is voluntary and the DOE advises schools to “encourage students to use the time to share ideas for improving campus safety, security and culture.”….
(Your teachers will take the entire class to the rally and check attendance there.)

Photo: 'Designated walkout area' without 'disorderly conduct'
A school district in Texas said it will suspend any student who participates in a walkout.
“That’s exactly the opposite of what we want to do,” Chad “Keone” Farias, superintendent of the Ka‘u-Keaau-Pahoa Complex Area, said Friday about the penalties.
(Translation: We Principals are liberals too and we want to encourage this.)
Farias said he’s not sure how many students locally plan to participate.
He said East Hawaii principals were sent guidance about the event and are being encouraged to respect students’ right to participate while also making sure any planned protest activities are safe and don’t break school rules.
“The last thing we want to do is discipline,” Farias said. … “As educators, we want to respect that kids have this right to participate in this responsible civic activity to voice their concerns that we need to bring school violence into the light. This is not a place students should feel unsafe. This is where they should feel most safe.”
Hilo High School is encouraging students to gather on the campus patio during the designated walkout time, Principal Bob Dircks told the Tribune-Herald on Friday.
He said students will be encouraged to write out any comments or concerns about gun violence and read them aloud — if they wish — during the event, which falls during Hilo High’s lunch recess.
He said Hilo High’s walkout is largely being organized by a student leader.
(Yeah. Right. He's so prominent that he isn't even part of this article. LOL!)
“So, it will be a means to share their thoughts and their voices, and it will be peaceful and won’t take away from academic time,” Dircks said. “Which I think is a very good call on the students’ part. … But this has got to be student driven. It can’t be something the adults come up with.”
(Translation: We’ve got them brainwashed enough that they will think only of gun control. None of them will think about the need to control the mentally ill who are purposefully left out in the public and allowed guns.)
Other principals said Friday they are discussing walkout events with their student leadership and hope to have plans in place next week….
Kishimoto said in the letter there have been more than a dozen school threats in Hawaii since January. She said none of those were credible and the majority were made on social media.
(The insane ain't got but one idea between 'em.)
Pahoa, Keaau and Konawaena high schools were among campuses that received threats. The threats spurred police to increase their presence at the high schools.
(See how this works?)
read … Pawns
SA: Students will take an important step March 14
Big Q: What do you think of students’ planned 17-minute class walkout on March 14, in honor of 17 killed in Florida’s school shooting?
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SA: Hawaii students plan walkouts: 17 minutes for 17 victims
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