Assisted Suicide Bill Gets a Hearing!

The joint House Health & Human Services and House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing on HB2739 (Relating to Health) aka assisted suicide on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 @ 10:30 a.m. in the Hawaii State Capitol auditorium. Another notice will be sent out soon with further instructions, but if you want to submit testimony or need more information, click here.
We will be having a rally at the capitol against this bill on Tuesday, at 9:30 a.m. meeting at the Damien statue. Please wear aqua blue. Sticker in opposition will be distributed and further instructions will be given. People who came last year, please wear your tshirts again.
Sign Online Petition Against Assisted Suicide

Now is the time to sign the petition against assisted suicide. This may be the last time you can raise your voice to oppose the attempt to fast-track passage of assisted suicide.
Weekly Recap
Therapy "Ban" Passes Senate CPH
On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, the Senate Consumer Protection and Health passed SB 270. This bill forces physicians specializing in the practice of psychiatry, physician assistants, psychologists, social workers, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, or a person who performs counseling as part of the person's professional training for any of these professions to provide "acceptance, support, and understanding to a childen (under 18) coping, social support, and identity exploration and development, including sexual orientation-neutral interventions."
The votes in CPH were as follows: 7 Aye(s): Senator(s) Baker, Tokuda, S. Chang, Espero, Ihara, Nishihara, Ruderman

If you want to learn more about this issue, please listen to this great interview with Stephanie Currie from Family Policy Alliance and David Pickup a national therapist.
Visit website for more information.
Upcoming Legislative Dates:
Deadline for bills to emerge from all their committees (with committee reports filed) and be submitted to the clerk of the originating chamber. This "decking" ensures a mandatory 48 hour opportunity for final review by the chamber's members before they are asked to vote on the third reading. Note: A bill must pass three readings (votes) in each chamber before being enrolled to the governor.
Deadline for bills to pass third reading in order to move (or "crossover") to the other chamber. If successful, House bills are sent to the Senate and Senate bills are sent to the House for further consideration.
Resolutions are legislative measures which may request action of a government entity or state the legislature's position on an issue. They don't have the force and effect of law, require only one reading in chamber, and don't enroll to the Governor.
Deadline for submitting the budget bill for third reading
SA: Hawaii lawmakers to consider legalizing medically assisted death
CB: Hawaii House Set To Hear Medical Aid In Dying Bill