Weekly Recap from Hawaii Family Forum, Feb 16, 2018
Marijuana Edibles Passes First Committee in the Senate

On February 13, 2018, SB3053 passed the Senate Consumer Protection and Health committee (to further discussion) on Wednesday, with the vote as follows: 6 Aye(s): Senator(s) Baker, Tokuda, S. Chang, Ihara, Nishihara, Ruderman; with 1 Excused: Senator(s) Espero.
The bill adds "manufactured cannabis products that are intended to be used, in whole or in part, for human consumption, including but not limited to chewing gum, drinks, baked products, and candy; provided that edible cannabis products ...shall not include products such as gummies, brightly colored candies, or other products that may attract children or bear resemblance to other commercially available products."
The State Department of Health opposed the bill by stating that "[c]annabis is not considered to be Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a food additive and is thus considered to be an adulterant. The department cannot issue food permits to facilities that intentionally manufacture adulterated products." However, they made recommendations to amend the bill if it passed out of committee. The Office of the Prosecuting Attorney and the Police Department also opposed the bill.
Anti-Suicide "APP" Bill Deferred

HB 1704, which would have created an "app" for use on smartphones, was deferred by the House Health Committee because Mental Health Hawaii provided comments stating that they were approved for a Grant-in-Aid to develop a phone application geared towards preventing suicide, with youth being one of the targeted user groups. The funds were released in mid-2016 and since then, they have been working on Kokua Life, a free smart phone app providing tools for suicide prevention. Kokua Life is slated for release to the community at-large in May of this year. We were unaware of this effort by Mental Health Hawaii but support the use of an app to reduce suicides in Hawaii.
What's Coming Up?
Community Event!

Just a reminder the opening rally is tomorrow February 17th, between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon. Please join them whenever you can during that time period as we pray for an end to abortion. They meet on the sidewalk in front of 1350 S. King St. Honolulu. There is street parking and parking garages in the area. Please visit the website calendar to sign up for one or more time slots to go pray during this 40 day period (Feb 14th - Mar 25th). If you have any questions, please call Tracey Whitehurst, Honolulu 40DFL Coordinator, at (808) 754-7427.
Weekly Triple "F" Podcast
Homeschooling Bill "Pulled" Halfway Through Hearing

(Photo courtesy of Rita Kama-Kimura of Peter Kamakawiwoole, Esq testifying)
On Wednesday, February 14, SB2323 (the homeschooling bill) was pulled from committee on Wednesday after hundreds of homeschooling families stepped up to raise their voices in a unified manner. Although legislators feel that a "compromise" can be worked out in the future, we remain concerned about any potential governmental overreach. If you haven't listened to our podcast on this issue with HSLDA attorney Peter Kamakawiwoole, Esq and Lora Burbage, then please see story below on Child Welfare Services and listen to podcast.) There is a positive solution to this problem that does not include attacking homeschooling families. Mahalo to all of you that used our system to send notices to your legislators.
Why We Should Support Child Welfare Services
