Aloha mai!
Do you know why the cost of housing is through the roof?
As there are several contributing factors to the cost of housing, one factor is the extensive wait time for a building or construction permit. Hawai'i has the longest average wait time for a building or construction permit - 17 months! In order to get the families of Hawai'i affordable housing quicker, the wait time must be significantly decreased. The Republican Caucus is introducing a measure that will urge the City and County's Department of Planning and Permitting to decrease wait times so that we can keep up with the growing demand for affordable housing.

Our bill package strives to make our government and our state more accountable, affordable, and accessible. We aspire to provide Better Solutions for the Best Hawaiʻi. For more information on our proposed bills, please view our website at houseminority.wordpress.com, download our info sheet (link at the bottom), and view our fourth video titled: "End Permit Purgatory" (scroll up).
"Equal Funding for Charter Schools" Video
But we cannot do this alone, we are asking you to join us! If you believe 17 months is too long to wait for a building or construction permit, call your legislators in support of this resolution. And when session begins, I look forward to seeing you at the legislature testifying. Let's make our voices heard!
Join us on Friday, January 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM. We will be in the State Capitol Rotunda (entry level) facing the 'Iolani Palace.
Andria Tupola
State House Representative, District 43
Minority Leader