Key Take Aways:
1. Senate Committee on Ways and Means to hold hearing Monday, August 28th beginning at 3pm. Testimony due by 3pm tomorrow (Sunday).
2. Honolulu County Republicans will be sign waving in front of Party Headquarters beginning Monday, August 28th at 3:30pm to 6pm.
3. Honolulu County Republicans from Laie to Mililani sign waved in opposition to rail bailout last Friday.
Dear Patriots,
As you know on Thursday, State Senate Leader Kouchi and State House Speaker Saiki announced their proclamation that the 29th Legislature of the State of Hawaii will convene in a Special Session beginning Monday, August 28th.
The Senate Committee on Ways and Means has announced their hearing for this coming Monday, August 28th, the time was originally set for 11am, however it has been changed to 3:00 pm!
There was also a change to the bill number; originally SB1 changed (good idea for those of you who remember SB1 (Hawaii Marriage Equality Act of 2013)) to SB4 (Relating to Government). Additionally SB4 only deals with the GET extension (Bill text here), which most likely means the House will propose another bill to address the TAT increase and distribution. SB4 key points include:
- Establishes Mass Transit Special Fund
- State skim cut from 10% to 1%.
- GET extended to 2030.
- Calls for an annual audit by the State Auditor.
- HART must provide a Certification Statement to the State Comptroller before release of any funds.
- Four new full time hires by the State Finance Director.
- Gives State Comptroller authority to contract with outside agencies to effectuate the purpose of SB4.
Testimony for the Senate Committee on Ways and Means hearing may be submitted up to 24 hours prior to the start of the hearing (which would be by 3:00pm tomorrow Sunday, August 27th). Persons wishing to testify should submit testimony in one of the following ways:
In person: Deliver 1 copy of your testimony to the committee clerk, Room 208, State Capitol.
Via Fax: Testimony may be faxed if less than 5 pages in length, to 586-6951 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free for neighbor islands).
It also looks like the hearing may be viewed on Olelo, Channel 49 for those unable to make it down to the State Capitol (a.k.a. The Beretania Swamp).
Check out our new video which sets the record straight about this boondoggle.
Then, please sign our petition to tell State lawmakers NO MORE BAILOUTS FOR RAIL!
Thank you for your support and welcome to the fight!
Brett Kulbis
Honolulu County Chairman