News Release from Oahu Republican Party, August 1, 2017
This weekend, hundreds of homes in several districts across Oahu each received an informative and persuasive door hanger from the Honolulu County Republican Party.
This kickoff to our year-round, county-wide campaign to educate voters was led by the ‘Honolulu County Strike Force’ volunteers, whose goal is to make it easier for Republicans to get elected in 2018 and beyond.
The enthusiasm was infectious. Several volunteers reported positive responses to our effort from residents who engaged them as we made our way through neighborhoods. At least one resident even made a special trip all the way over to our staging location to thank us for what we are doing to make the case that Democrat policies need to be repealed and replaced by newly-elected Republican reformers.
With this important campaign now underway to lay the critical groundwork for our brave Republican candidates in 2018. We encourage fellow Republicans, conservatives, and anyone interested in "Making Hawaii Great Again," please join our efforts by contacting us at www.OahuGOP.com and sign up to volunteer today. The Honolulu County Strike Force needs YOU.
With your help, we can unseat Democrats. It’s time that our elections on Oahu and across the state provided serious consequences to the out-of-touch incumbents from the majority party! Hardworking taxpayers in our districts, our county, our state, and our country are depending on us to persuade a majority voters why we must support and defend our founding principles and vote Republican.
Are you with us? We sure hope so. Canvassing is a great workout and effectively sends the right message at the right time to folks across Oahu that we are in touch with their many concerns. Most of all, with our county and state clearly on the wrong track, we are making a powerful case for our GOP reforms and solutions that will make Hawaii great again!
If you’re unable to volunteer, please consider making a donation todayto the Honolulu County Republican Party. Help defray the cost of our printed materials. We have no overhead and every penny goes to our ground game. Please kokua by clicking HERE to donate today.
Brett Kulbis, Chairman
Honolulu County Republican Party
"Let’s Make a Difference!"
Please create signup buttons with the below links for:
County Donations - https://politics.raisethemoney.com/honolulu-county-republican-party
Volunteer Sign Up - http://eepurl.com/cMdDmD