Photos by Eva Andrade (photoshop composite)
Honor and Respect: We Will Remember
"The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit." -- [HEADQUARTERS GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC General Orders No.11, WASHINGTON, D.C., May 5, 1868]
The photo of the young boy whose eyes are welling up with tears as a soldier presents his mother with a flag that will be draped across his father's coffin... That emotional moment when President Trump honors Carryn Owens whose husband Terry Owens died as he lived - a hero... This is why we, as Americans, should remember and honor our fallen. This Monday, as we picnic with our families, shop, sleep in and take in a day of fun, may we also take a moment to say a prayer for the families of those who have sacrificed for our great nation. Visit Military.Com for a great video on the real reason we remember ...
Legislative News
Bully Bill Sitting on Governor's Desk
While Hawaii's pregnancy resource centers are gearing up for a potential lawsuit against the State, Governor Ige waits to sign SB 501 into law. Listen as Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorney Jim Hochberg provides an update.
The Governor has to send the Legislature his intent to veto list by June 26th (the 35th day after adjournment sine die). Keep in mind that a bill on this list may end up not being vetoed. The Governor has until July 11th to decide. Any bill that is not on this list is going to become law on the bill's effective date with or without the Governor's signature.
In our Legislative "Week in Review" we let you know the names of our Senators and Representatives that were brave enough to say NO TO THE BULLY BILL. IN case you missed that report, these are the brave men and women that stood up to the bullying of our pregnancy resource centers: Senator(s) Gabbard, Harimoto, Riviere and Representative(s) Aquino, Cachola, Cullen, Har, Kong, Matsumoto, McDermott, Oshiro, Say, Tokioka, Tupola, Ward.
Issue Update & Education
Atheist Attack on Churches - UPDATE
Listen to the short interview between Eva Andrade and Jim Hochberg on the lawsuit by Mitch Kahle which claims that certain churches (One Love) committed fraud by paying substandard rent to the public schools in which they meet even though the school districts themselves agree that the churches have consistently paid all agreed-upon rents.
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