Monday, May 1, 2017 |
70 Republicans Running for Oahu Neighborhood Board
By News Release @ 1:19 AM :: 7936 Views :: Honolulu County, Republican Party

From Honolulu County Republican Party
Aloha, April 30, 2017
The freedom to vote is our most important political right and is a cornerstone of our democracy. The Honolulu County Republican Party encourages you to exercise that right and begin the fight to take back our state one neighborhood at a time.
“A vote for President may be a grain of sand on the beach, but your local votes can be rocks in a bucket… local elections are the ones that have the most significant impact on your daily life.” John Kinnear author askyourdadblog.com.
Excerpt from Oahu’s Neighborhood Board System Member Guidebook:
"The Responsible City”, was chosen by the City Charter Commission when it presented the revised City Charter to the voters in 1972. A major component of this concept is full citizen participation in government so that the powers of the City shall properly serve and advance the aspirations of its citizens.
However, the initiative for action must come from the people. While Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Boards were established under the Charter as a means to increase and assure effective citizen participation, their creation and implementation are optional.
The Neighborhood Plan, which designates boundaries and provides for neighborhood formation, leaves many decisions open to the community so that a neighborhood-specific approach can be implemented.
A Neighborhood Board consists of community residents – your friends, family, and neighbors. They represent you!
Neighborhood Board Election Frequently Asked Questions
1. When will the Board elections take place? The election is slated to begin April 28, 2017 and end May 19, 2017.
2. When will I receive my passcode? Passcodes will be mailed out prior to Friday, April 28, 2017. You should expect to receive it within 3-4 days.
3. Online Voting: Log onto Vote Here - Online Voting Ends: 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 19, 2017
4. Don’t have internet access? The following voting sites with computer access will be open during the voting period of April 28, 2017 through May 19, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.:
- Kapolei Hale conference room A, 1000 Ulu'ohi'a Street (Monday thru Friday)
- Kapalama Hale, Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160 (Monday thru Friday)
- The KEY project in Kahalu‘u at 47-200 Waihe‘e Road from 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Monday thru Friday)
- Any public library on Oahu within the Hawaii State Public Library System (see library hours)
- Voting by Mail - If you are unable to vote online, you may request a paper ballot by calling the Ballot Request Hotline at 768-3763 no later than Monday, May 15, 2017, 4:30 p.m. with your full name, last four digits of your SSN, and residential address. Returned ballots must be postmarked by Friday, May 19, 2017 and received by the NCO no later than Friday, May 26, 2017.
5. When will the results be announced? The results are released no later than 7 days following the end of voting.
For more information on contested seats and candidates:
Republican members running for Neighborhood Board.
Area |
Board* |
Whole Name |
Manoa |
07 02 |
North Shore |
27 03 |
Koolauloa |
28 03 |
AUNA, Vanley Kealiiloa |
Kailua |
31 04 |
BARTLEY, Larry |
Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights |
05 03 |
BOWMAN, Judith A. |
Waialae-Kahala |
03 00 |
BRADY, Arnold |
Kaneohe |
30 04 |
Waipahu |
22 02 |
BURKE, Marty |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
CAPELOUTO, D. Kalani |
Hawaii Kai |
01 00 |
CHAE, Chelsea Y. |
Aliamanu/Salt Lake/Foster Village |
18 00 |
CHING, Eric H.L. |
North Shore |
27 02 |
CHUN, Calvin M. |
Pearl City |
21 00 |
CLEMENTE, Roger G. |
Waikiki |
09 03 |
COOK, Dolores Marie |
North Shore |
27 02 |
Kailua |
31 04 |
DARNELL, Matthew J. |
Aliamanu/Salt Lake/Foster Village |
18 00 |
EGGE, Dennis |
Kalihi-Palama |
15 00 |
ERB, Robert E. Jr. |
Makiki/Lower Punchbowl/Tantalus |
10 01 |
FENTON, Larry |
Ewa |
23 00 |
Hawaii Kai |
01 05 |
GOODE, Brian |
Kalihi-Palama |
15 00 |
GUERRERO, Donald R. |
Palolo |
06 00 |
HACK, Randolph C. |
Kaimuki |
04 02 |
Waikiki |
09 03 |
HENSKI, Kathryn |
Ewa |
23 00 |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
JONES, H. Stanley |
Kuliouou-Kalani Iki |
02 07 |
JUNGE, Megan |
Makiki/Lower Punchbowl/Tantalus |
10 03 |
KAWANO, Richard H. |
Liliha/Puunui/Alewa/Kamehameha Heights |
14 00 |
Liliha/Puunui/Alewa/Kamehameha Heights |
14 00 |
Mililani/Waipio/Melemanu |
25 00 |
KUPUKAA, Katherine T. |
Manoa |
07 02 |
KWAK, Jae |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
LEGAL, Jack M. |
Kuliouou-Kalani Iki |
02 07 |
LIM, Richard |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
LOWE, Chris |
Downtown-Chinatown |
13 00 |
LYE, Kevin |
Kailua |
31 01 |
MORGAN, Rene |
Kaimuki |
04 02 |
OKAMURA, Sharon |
Makiki/Lower Punchbowl/Tantalus |
10 01 |
OROZCO, Michael |
Mililani/Waipio/Melemanu |
25 00 |
OSHIRO, Diana |
Mililani Mauka/Launani Valley |
35 00 |
OSTROV, Mark |
Liliha/Puunui/Alewa/Kamehameha Heights |
14 00 |
PERALLON, Joshua M. |
North Shore |
27 03 |
PHILIPS, Carol |
Makiki/Lower Punchbowl/Tantalus |
10 01 |
Kaneohe |
30 00 |
Hawaii Kai |
01 06 |
SCHREINER, Herb Keoki |
Hawaii Kai |
01 05 |
SHIELDS, Gary W. W. |
Mililani/Waipio/Melemanu |
25 00 |
SMART, Mary |
Downtown-Chinatown |
13 00 |
SMILEY, John M. |
Kailua |
31 04 |
Downtown-Chinatown |
13 00 |
SMYTH, Thomas |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
SOUZA, Evelyn |
Kailua |
31 01 |
SPEED, John |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
SPREG, Thad |
Liliha/Puunui/Alewa/Kamehameha Heights |
14 05 |
STUBBS, Robert S. |
Kalihi-Palama |
15 00 |
TEMPLO, Edgardo |
Koolauloa |
28 01 |
TILLEY, Butch |
Downtown-Chinatown |
13 00 |
TOM, Bob |
Kailua |
31 04 |
TOMASA, Claudine Miki |
Aiea |
20 02 |
Pearl City |
21 00 |
VERAY, Larry |
Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights |
05 02 |
Kailua |
31 03 |
WEINBERG, Ronald S. |
Kailua |
31 04 |
WELLER, Gary E. |
Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale |
34 00 |
Mililani/Waipio/Melemanu |
25 01 |
WILLIAMS, Sharon |
Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights |
05 03 |
WONG, Linda |
Nuuanu/Punchbowl |
12 02 |
YOUNG, Sylvia |
Kailua |
31 03 |
* Board numbers ending in 00 are At-Large candidates.
Calling Young Republicans
The Young Republicans is an organization for members of the Republican Party of the United States between the ages of 18 and 40, though some of which have outreach programs for those between 13 and 18. It has both a national organization and chapters in individual states.
Young Republican Clubs are both social and political in nature. Many of them sponsor various social events and networking events for members. In addition, Young Republican Clubs assist Republican political candidates and causes.
For more information about joining the Hawaii Chapter contact Jennifer Anderson at jennifer@gophawaii.com.
“Our young leaders from across the country are fighting to keep the American Dream alive by electing Republicans, supporting conservative values and impacting the government of the next generation.” Young Republicans National Federation
Brett Kulbis
Honolulu County Chairman