Upcoming Legislative Dates:
April 24, 2017 SECOND CROSSOVER FOR CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS - Deadline for passing amended concurrent resolutions in the non-originating chamber in order to "cross back" to the originating chamber.
April 27, 2017 FINAL DECKING OF NON-FISCAL BILLS - Deadline for submitting non-fiscal bills for final reading by both chambers.
April 28, 2017 FINAL DECKING OF FISCAL BILLS - Deadline for submitting fiscal bills for final reading by both chambers. Fiscal bills include appropriation or spending bills, tax credits, etc. that emerge from the fiscal committee (House Finance, Senate Ways and Means) of their respective originating chamber.
May 4, 2017 ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE - In Latin, "sine die" means "without a day specified for future meeting." Adjournment sine die occurs on the 60th legislative day of a regular session, and indicates a suspension of the business of the legislature indefinitely. From this point, the Legislature will certify bills whose form both chambers have agreed to, and will transmit or "enroll" those bills to the Governor. Contact PAR for information regarding the Governor's deadlines.
Deadline for Final Form of Bills Proposing Constitutional Amendments
April 21, 2017 - A proposed amendment's final form must be provided by written notice to the Governor at least 10 days prior to passing final reading by a 2/3 vote in each chamber. Once adopted by the Legislature, the proposed amendment is submitted to the voters, in the form of a 'yes or no' question on the ballot, for ultimate decision.
"Bully Bill" on "Review" Until Monday
Today, April 21, 2017, the joint conference committee announced that the Senate is still "reviewing" SB 501 HD2 and needs more time. The committee will meet again on Monday, April 24, 2017, at 1:00 p.m in room 016. It is the second item on the agenda. We will keep you posted as the bill progresses.
Take Action!
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Public asked to provide feedback on draft consolidated state plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
HONOLULU April 18, 2017 - The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is welcoming public feedback on the draft Hawaii Consolidated State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The 30-day public comment period begins today, Tuesday, April 18, and will run through Thursday, May 18, 2017.
The ESSA draft includes important requirements such as long-term goals and accountability frameworks that the State must describe and fulfill. The draft proposes to align federal ESSA funding requirements with the Strategic Plan to advance equity and excellence for all students. State and Complex Areas may use federal funds to support and assist schools,
"I really believe the ESSA draft empowers me as a principal," said Interim Deputy Superintendent Keith Hayashi. "It provides me opportunities for working with my teachers and parents that gets everyone together to address issues in creative and innovative ways."
The public comment period is a required precursor to submitting the final consolidated state plan by the September 18 deadline. Receipt of federal funding for Hawaii public schools is dependent upon approval of Hawaii's consolidated state plan. A summary of public feedback for this draft plan will be shared at the Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2017.
The ESSA draft is available for public viewing at “Hawaii-ESSA-plan.aspx”, along with a public comment survey and a narrated presentation providing an overview of the ESSA timeline, process and plan.
What's Coming Up?
Day of Dialogue

We just wanted to remind you that the Day of Dialogue® event is next week-on Friday, April 28.
On that day, you will be joining with thousands of other students across the nation who are also participating, like Alicia did last year.
From Jim Daly, Focus on the Family
We can easily feel overwhelmed by the heartbreaking stories we hear of kids in foster care. Some kids are removed from their biological parents because of drug abuse or neglect. Others have endured unspeakable physical abuse. And most have bounced from home to home, in search of the stability and love they need.
It often seems easier to ignore the problem because the need is so great and we don't know how to help. But as followers of Christ, we know that prayer makes a difference. He is the one to soften hearts, open doors, and heal the brokenness.
This May, we'll celebrate National Foster Care Month. Our invitation to you is to join with us in prayer on behalf of our nation's foster care system and the 415,000 children in foster care in the U.S.
Will you join us? The commitment is simple: pray with your family, small group, church, or friends for the kids in foster care in your state or county. Lift up the foster and adoptive families and the child welfare professionals. Give thanks for ministry leaders and volunteers. Simply visit FosterCarePrayerVigil.org to register and let us know that you're praying. We've also provided a prayer guide to make it easy.
Thank you for committing to pray!
May is National Foster Care Month!