Weekly Recap
From Hawaii Family Forum, March 3, 2017
Today is Decking!
Today is First Decking. That means that all bills under consideration for crossover to the other chamber must be submitted to the clerk of the originating chamber in their final form at least 48 hours prior to third reading. This "decking" ensures an opportunity for final review by the chamber's members before being asked to vote on the third reading. Note: A bill must pass three readings (votes) in each chamber before being enrolled to the governor.
Senate Judiciary and Labor Votes Yes to Assisted Suicide!
On Tuesday, February 28, the Senate JDL committee unanimously voted yes on the bill that would allow doctors to prescribe a lethal dose of barbiturates to intentionally end the life of their patient. The bill, SB 1129 is no SD2 but the new version is not posted online at this time. The vote was as follows: 4 Aye(s): Senator(s) Keith-Agaran, K. Rhoads, L. Thielen; 1 Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Kim.
Now is the time to contact your Senator and ask them to vote NO on SB 1129 SD2 when it comes to the floor a vote. For more information and talking points, visit this link. If you have not signed our online petition against assisted suicide, please do so here.
Take Action!
Meet Michael Tada

Click picture to play video.
"If God can heal my hopelessness..." Michael is a man of faith.
He has a disability, but he is able to overcome.
He does not believe in assisted suicide.
Listen to his story and find out why.
Dr. Craig Nakatsuka and Joy Yadao, RN, Speak out Against Assisted Suicide

What's Coming Up?

PEACE remains committed to assisting Hawaii's families of faith whose children are facing challenges from the increasingly sensitive curriculum that is being taught in public schools. Over the past two years, PEACE has made significant gains in our efforts to positively engage Hawaii's educational system. Come join us and hear firsthand how you can be part of this successful movement! Please let PEACE know if you want to attend by sending them a message via email.
"Bully Bill" Pending Senate Confirmation
The Bully Bill (SB501) is awaiting vote in the full Senate. This bill would force faith-based pregnancy centers to promote abortion and contraceptives. You can take action here. The link also has a current video from Pastor Derald Skinner about why you must raise your voice to protect faith-based pregnancy centers from censure.
From Around the Nation
Suicide Contagion?
Colorado recently passed assisted suicide and now, Southern Colorado has been rocked by teen suicides, and it's been devastating. During the last 13 months, there have been nine deaths in the district, between two schools located only a mile apart. And in nearby Pueblo, there were five student suicides last month. These recent deaths follow 29 student suicides that occurred in El Paso County (Focus on the Family's home) between 2013 and 2015. And Colorado is not alone. [Read more at Focus on the Family]
Is there a connection? You decide. Hawaii's keiki, disability community, and our kupuna deserve so much more. Every life is worth fighting for!