March 29, 2010 LINK to Original>>> Atomic Monkey

Congressman Abercrombie, the ultimate PAC man, displayed an insatiable appetite for special interest money during his twenty years in Washington.
From Atomic Monkey
Abercrombie is now trying to pass himself off as being funded mostly by small contributors, “just regular folks” according to his public relations people. But his twenty year history in the U.S. Congress shows a clear pattern of exactly the opposite. A recent Honolulu Advertiser story states:
“Abercrombie, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, has collected more money over his two decades in Congress from political action committees than individual donors. In more recent campaigns, he has benefited from large contributions from transportation unions and defense, aerospace, legal and maritime interests.”
The total amounts of money paid to Abercrombie over the years add up to a truly mind boggling total. reported, “over the course of his political career (from 1989-2006), Abercrombie received $6,853,048 in political contributions, 53 percent of which were from PACs. Of those PAC funds, $1,194,440 were from businesses and $2,234,115 from labor unions.” The Abercrombie gravy train didn’t stop in 2006 either. Further reports from show that Abercrombie continued to milk his PAC connections for huge contributions.
Chart: Abercrombie consistently fed from the PAC trough
Based on contributions to Abercrombie from 2005 to 2007 the lion’s share of his war chest doesn’t even come from Hawaii. According to Abercrombie:
Received 71% of campaign contributions ($1,198,554) from outside his district.
Received 64% of campaign contributions ($1,087,801) from outside Hawaii.
The following is a break out of specific corporate and PAC contributions to Abercrombie in the 2006-2008 campaign cycle. Please note that many “individual” contributors are corporate officers, lobbyists or are in some other way attached to a major corporate contributor or PAC.
Coming Soon: What they got for their money
Neil Abercrombie Votes Against His Own Bill!
Abercrombie’s Wife Cops Case Campaign Sign
Nancie Bites the Hand that Feeds Neil.