An informed opinion on GMOs
by Ed Morita, Hawaii: In Real Life, February 6, 2017 (excerpts)
I’ve been wanting to write an opinion about Genetically Modified Organisms for years.
However, the quagmire of misinformation made it difficult to sort out propaganda from science.
I wanted factual information, and it has taken me several years to gather enough that I feel I can have an informed opinion on the matter.
That opinion is that I am NOT opposed to GMOs.
…since humans first started cultivating crops, we have been manipulating the genes of plants and animals to instill desired traits.
Bigger pigs, brighter apples, sweeter citrus, artificially inseminated cows that produce more milk, more robust tomatoes – all created through genetic tinkering crop after crop, generation after generation, the ideal being bigger yields that require less manpower to produce.
The produce we buy is unrecognizable from the original from which they were derived. Everything modern farmers grow has been genetically modified in one way or another, through cross-pollination, grafting, selective breeding and so forth.
At this point, I have spent four years discerning GMO myth from fact, and despite the length of this post, it doesn’t not even begin to address the enormity of information out there. Therefore, dear reader, I encourage you to not take my word for it. Educate yourself, so that whatever opinion you have (whether you agree with me or not) is an informed opinion.
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