Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
From Hawaii Family Forum, February 3, 2017
Supreme Court Nominee Announcement
On January 31, 2017, an announcement came from President Trump that he nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacant seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the United States Supreme Court. With the nomination of the conservative, pro-life, and judicially prudent Neil Gorsuch, the high court will now have the opportunity to make positive progress in the critical areas affecting America's families.
Gorsuch sided with Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor in their suits against the Obama Administration's contraception mandate. He also came down on the side of Utah Governor Gary Herbert's attempts to defund Planned Parenthood.
Bully Bills?
HB 663 (Relating to Health) and its companion bill SB 501 was heard in the House Health Committee on February 2, 2017 and Senate Consumer Protection & Health/Judiciary on February 3, 2017. These "bully bills"
- violate the free speech and free exercise of religion rights of Pregnancy Care Clinics and their employees by forcing them to promote abortion services, which are contrary to their deeply held religious and ethical beliefs.
- undermine faith-based clinics by suggesting they are not "legitimate" organizations since they do not provide abortions or abortion referrals.
- increase taxpayer liability, since abortion facilities are largely funded with government money. Faith-based pregnancy centers, on the other hand, are funded and operated by private, concerned individuals, offering a wide range of pregnancy support services at no expense to taxpayers.
Hawaii is trying to copy California, but read how that turned out! Our counterpart in California is witnessing tons of lawsuits because they passed their version (AB775) of this bill.
HB663 was heard in the House Health yesterday (February 2, 2017). The committee(s) on HLT recommend(s) that the measure be deferred until 02-07-17 at 10:00AM. There is still time to call the House Health members and ask them to vote no on HB663 for the reasons mentioned above!
SB501 was heard in the Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health Committee and Senate Judiciary & Labor Committee today (February 3, 2017). As of this writing, it seemed that only Senator Gabbard from both committees voted no. The bill, will now move to the Senate Ways & Means Committee. We will keep you posted. Hawaii Family Advocates will send out the final vote in a later email.
We just want to thank the HEROIC women from the pregnancy centers who testified at BOTH HEARINGS. A Place for Women in Waipio, Pearson Foundation, Aloha Pregnancy Care & Counseling Centers, and Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui were up against the BULLIES of Planned Parenthood, et al. God bless you women (and all the women who testified in opposition to this bill) for the work you do to protect life and religious freedom!
Take Action!

Urge President Trump to Sign an Executive Order Respecting Religious Freedom
Contact President Trump and ask him to Sign an Executive Order Respecting Religious Freedom.
Read ADF Blog for more information.