Caldwell Duped? The People vs. the Powerful Continued
From Djou Campaign October 27, 2016
Yesterday we shared that our campaign is in a clear fight between the people and the powerful. We showed you that our opponent actually paid for an ad that features the old-boy network and the most powerful people in Hawaii endorsing him. This Caldwell ad featured the endorsement of Dennis Francis, the head of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
But, Mr. Francis states he never consented to appear in any paid Caldwell political ad - an action that would be a clear breach of basic journalistic ethics. The Caldwell campaign initially responded that 'Dennis Francis' is an East Honolulu businessman. But, upon further investigation by Civil Beat, Caldwell's campaign recanted and declared they were 'duped' into using the name of the Star-Advertiser's publisher to promote their campaign. Rather than personally take responsibility, the mayor promptly blamed his own volunteers. Read the story here.

This entire incident is classic Kirk Caldwell - sloppy oversight and an utter lack of attention to detail. This is a perfect illustration of how Caldwell manages our City and it is no wonder the rail project has spiraled out-of-control under our opponent. Then, when confronted with the facts and the error is pointed out, Caldwell refuses to personally take responsibility and immediately points blame at others. WE DESERVE BETTER.
PLEASE HELP US. We don't have the powerful politicians, big businesses, and big unions listed by Caldwell in his ad controlling our campaign. We have you -- regular people, families, small businesses and small unions, who believe that we deserve a mayor who works for the people, not the powerful.
Alone, the average individual doesn't stand a chance against the powerful and wealthy network listed in Caldwell's ad. But together we can fight back.
We need your help right now - In just 12 days we can win this election by all of us working together. We can win this race, but only if regular people stand up to do something truly extraordinary. It is now or never to get a mayor who works for the people -- no more insider deals, no more six-figure second jobs, no more lies and finger-pointing.
Team Djou