The People v. The Powerful - Summarized in a Caldwell Ad
Message to Supporters, October 27, 2016
This campaign is a clear fight between the people and the powerful. We have long known that this mayoral race comes down to a contest between our campaign built on the sincere heart of average people and our opponent's campaign built around the well-connected and well-off.
This weekend, our opponent actually paid for an ad that highlighted how he is owned by the establishment and totally controlled the old-boy network. The ad features the most powerful people in Hawaii endorsing our opponent:

Our campaign isn't about maintaining power for the well-connected in our community. We are about restoring a basic sense of trust at City Hall by fixing the mess Caldwell created with rail, actually reducing homelessness and demanding that government be ethical and accountable to the people - all things Caldwell has utterly failed to do since taking office.
Will you help us? We don't have powerful politicians, big businesses, and big unions controlling our campaign - we have you -- regular people, families, small businesses and small unions, who honestly and sincerely believe that government officials should work for the people.
There are just 13 days to go until the election. We can win this race, but only if regular people stand up to do something truly extraordinary. It is now or never to tell our elected officials that they work for the people -- no more insider deals, no more second jobs earning more than what most people make in 5 years.
Please help us today. Donate. Volunteer. Call your family and friends to make sure they vote. Walk-in voting started yesterday -- even if you've never voted, you can register at Honolulu Hale or Kapolei Hale and vote.
Team Djou