Charles Djou | My Plan from Charles Djou on Vimeo.
From, October 20, 2016
Absentee ballots started arriving at homes yesterday and our campaign launched a new TV commercial featuring my wife Stacey and myself. More importantly, we have posted our plans to control rail costs, reduce homelessness and restore ethics to Honolulu on our website at You can watch our new commercial by clicking on the image below.

We are excited about our campaign with just two-and-a-half weeks to go until the election. We are fighting hard to do what hasn't been done at the City - control rail costs so we can afford to have the resources to reduce homelessness and restore ethics to Honolulu.
But we still desperately need your help. Will you assist us in keeping our commercial on air? Every penny you contribute right now will go toward us being able to keep our commercials going. I lack the deep pocket special interest resources our opponent has - and I certainly don't have a second job working at a bank making over $200,000/year working just one hour a month to pay for additional TV air-time myself.
Nothing will change if we fail to change the mayor. The same rail cost overruns and delays will continue, and this project will just continue to take, take and take away from our community, preventing us from directing critical resources to addressing the homeless, building affordable housing or rebuilding an ethical government. All of the crooked double-dealing the mayor does with his second bank job will just continue with his re-election. The only way to make a difference is to vote.
We can win this race for mayor and start rebuilding trust at City Hall, but only with your help. If you're an absentee ballot voter, please be sure to cast your vote by mail right away. And please consider helping us fight back against the machine with a contribution right now. Our volunteers, Stacey and I are working extremely long hours every day to make sure our children continue to grow up in a community defined by their dreams and not by an over-budget rail system. Every donation you make right now will make a tremendous difference to us in our fight. Mahalo.
Charles K. Djou