The Case for Inclusion
From United Cerebral Palsy, October, 2016
Every year since 2006, United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) — an international advocate, educating and providing support services for children and adults with a spectrum of disabilities through an affiliate network– produces The Case for Inclusion, an annual ranking of how well State Medicaid programs serve Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). Individuals with ID/DD, including the aging, want and deserve the same freedoms and quality of life as all Americans.
Medicaid affects all of us: of course children and adults with disabilities as well as when we age, as our family ages, and when the unexpected happens. United Cerebral Palsy’s The Case for Inclusion, ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC) on service outcomes for Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD).
This year’s report shows that:
- All states have room for some improvement, but some have consistently remained at the bottom of the rankings since 2007;
- Waiting lists for residential and community services remain high, demonstrating the unmet need of people with disabilities and their families;
- 10 states, up from 8 last year, have at least one-third (33 percent) of individuals with ID/DD working in competitive employment — returning to the same level as in 2014;
- 15 states report successfully placing at least 60 percent of individuals in vocational rehabilitation in jobs. No states met the standard on all three success measures this year.
UCP has made several major enhancements to the report in response to feedback from UCP affiliates, policymakers and advocates asking for more person-centered measures to showcase if and how individuals are faring as an active part of their community. In this year’s report, we continue to build on examinations of the following issues related to inclusion:

- Are individuals still isolated at their non-institutional home? Are they lonely? Do they have meaningful relationships and friends?
- Are individuals stuck in their residence, or do they regularly go out into the community and have an active and social presence in their neighborhoods?
- Are individuals getting healthier since good health is key to a high quality of life?
You can use this interactive website to:
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HAWAII – Overall Ranking 5 of 51
Hawaii has no large state facility keeping Americans isolated from the community.
Hawaii participates in the National Core Indicators, the premier quality assurance program, and reported their 2015 NCI survey data.
Hawaii has no reported waiting list.
