City Negligent - Again - On Hanauma Bay
News Release from Djou Campaign September 26, 2016
Honolulu, HI - Mayoral Candidate Charles Djou reacted to the litigation threat by the Friends of Hanauma Bay against the City.
"Hanauma Bay is not just a beautiful Hawaiian beach, it is one of the most precious natural preserves in the world. That's why it is so disappointing to learn that the City is failing to properly administer the bay," stated Djou. "As a City Councilmember I pushed through an audit of the Hanauma Bay fund. I am saddened to see the City failing to follow through on the audit recommendations and court orders. The time has come to look at a public-private partnership to take over and manage Hanauma Bay. The neglect of Hanauma Bay by the administration is more than typical bad management, it hurts one of the most amazing natural resources on our planet."
On September 23, the Friends of Hanauma Bay (FOHB) sent a letter to Mayor Kirk Caldwell demanding that the City comply with the law on managing the Hanauma Bay fund. FOHB had previously sued the City to force it into compliance with proper fiscal management. FOHB is now threatening to sue the City again if the Caldwell administration continues its refusal to obey the court-order. FOHB is also proposing the establishment of a public-private partnership to manage Hanauma Bay, a concept Djou advocated as a City Councilmember and continues to support today as a candidate for mayor.

Charles Djou is running for Mayor of Honolulu. He represented Hawaii's 1st Congressional District in the U.S. House and previously served on the Honolulu City Council and Hawaii State House. Djou is an Army Reservist and Afghanistan war veteran. He is married to Stacey Kawasaki Djou and together they have three children.
PDF: Letter from Friends of Haunama Bay