Stay tuned for upcoming information about April 15 rallies scheduled for Kona, Hilo, Maui, and Kauai.
Even though elected officials at the State Legislature are supposed to represent you, they are on the verge of making your life in Hawaii much more expensive.
State House and State Senate members from across the islands are meeting at the State Capitol right now. The majority of these 76 elected officials are seriously considering increasing our already high cost of living in Hawaii by approving massive tax increases which will make everything you need to buy even more expensive.
Why? Because they refuse to tighten their belts like the rest of us.
These politicians care more about giving themselves and their friends pay raises and sweetheart deals than they do about giving regular folks and employers needed tax relief during these difficult times. And these politicians refuse to look at ridding our bloated government of waste, inefficiency and programs that just don’t work.
Our elected officials don’t seem to realize that we, the people, are NOT under taxed. Rather, the problem is our government is overfed and will keep taking and taking until there is nothing left.
On April 15 your help is needed to keep the cost of living in Hawaii from going even higher.
This is a non-partisan event organized by ordinary citizens; so that we, the people of Hawaii, can voice our opposition to raising our taxes and worsening the already high cost of living. We hold this protest rally outside the State Capitol in hopes of stopping a multitude of tax increases being considered by the elected officials inside.
More Information:

Please download and print our postcards, flyers and posters and distribute them any way that you can: posting in store windows, on the bulletin board at work or school, by mailing postcards and e-mailing your friends and family, by delivering flyers to your neighbors or passing them out to fellow citizens.
Here are four files to choose from, which can be printed either in color or in black & white.
11" x 17" Poster
8.5" x 11" Mini-Poster
2-on-a-Page Flyer
4-on-a-Page Postcard