Message to Supporters, August 28, 2016
Our campaign may not have the money and resources of the incumbent mayor and his administration, but we have HEART. We care about our community and are willing to fight for a better future.
Check out the last 24 hours on the campaign trail:

Charles and our West Oahu grassroots team captains in Waipahu on Friday night.
Our Filipino coalition leaders at Jesse's restaurant in
Kalihi on Saturday morning

In Wahiawa on Saturday morning to support Herman's Charity Car Wash to benefit Wahiawa General Hospital. Ensuring all of our communities across Oahu have access to quality healthcare is important to Charles.

(We gave Charles a couple of hours off yesterday morning to cheer on Tori and Alli's soccer teams)
Charles and Team Djou at the City Civic Center in downtown for the Korean Festival.

Then on to the Greek Festival at McCoy Pavilion....
Wrapping up last night at the Aiea Hongwanji Bon Dance....

So lucky to have such a great team! Please join us. Together we can restore fiscal responsibility and accountability to our government. We can take care of our community and ensure a better future for our children and grandchildren.
Team Djou