Incoherent - The Mayor on Rail
Message to Supporters June 17, 2016
Incoherent. That pretty much sums up the mayor's plans on rail. Over the past 48-hours the mayor's policy on rail swung wildly in a display of uneven and poorly constructed leadership.
- On Tuesday, the mayor clearly stated that, regardless of the massive cost over-runs, he was committed to build rail to Ala Moana.
- Then suddenly on Thursday morning, in what the newspaper described as a "seismic shift" the mayor reversed himself and announced support for ending the rail project at Middle Street - five-miles short of the project plan he had just pledged to support two days ago.
- But, then by the afternoon OF THE SAME DAY, the mayor released a statement "clarifying" his position and stated that he still supports building rail to Ala Moana, but he offers no plan on how to pay for it.
In modern politics, it may not be uncommon for politicians to flip-flop on issues. It is almost unparalleled to see the Mayor of Honolulu, however, reverse himself and then reverse himself again on the same issue on the same day.
At his campaign announcement Charles Djou stated, "This election is about one word, trust."
The problem our community faces is that we can no longer trust the mayor on rail, on ethics, on running our City. We have a mayor who takes one position on the single biggest issue facing our community in a decade and then hours later flip-flops. We deserve better.
That's why we ask you for your help. Our campaign lacks the huge campaign war chest the mayor has. What we have is you. Please consider making a contribution now.
Rebuilding trust at City Hall starts right here with our campaign, right now.
Team Djou
PS - Below you can watch Charles' chat this morning with Ron Mizutani on KHON's Wake Up 2Day as they discuss the Caldwell flip-flop.
