Fire Mayor, Not the Ethics Director
Message to Supporters: June 16, 2016
Yesterday, the Caldwell administration engineered the departure of the long-time Executive Director of the City Ethics Commission, Chuck Totto. This developing scandal is politics at it's worst.
As a councilmember, I worked with Totto to strengthen the City ethics code. As a direct result of our efforts, former City Councilmembers Rod Tam and Romy Cachola were eventually fined for corrupt practices.
Totto worked as the City Ethics Executive Director under four different mayors: Jeremy Harris, Mufi Hannemann, Peter Carlisle and Kirk Caldwell. As Civil Beat explains here, only under Caldwell has Totto come under fire. In fact, Totto's troubles only started when he started investigating Caldwell's political fundraising practice and found his job under fire when he started questioning votes on the City rail project.
The Caldwell administration has undermined the public's confidence in our government. We can not trust this administration - not on ethics, not on rail, not on ANYTHING.
This is why our campaign to bring leadership you can trust back to Honolulu Hale is so important. Your contribution of $500 or $100 or $50, or any amount up to $4,000 is critical. There are now less than two months to go until the primary election. Every contribution you make will be put to use right now to fight Caldwell and his horrible practices.
Charles Djou
CB: Djou Challenges Mayor To Call For Return of Honolulu Ethics Director

(L to R) - Judge Walter Heen, Charles Djou, Gov. Ben Cayetano, Councilmember Ann Kobayashi
P.S. - If you haven't seen it, we announced yesterday that Former Federal Judge and Chair of the Hawaii Democratic Party, Walter Heen, will serve as the chair of our campaign. Judge Heen joined Gov. Ben Cayetano and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi at Honolulu Hale yesterday to lend their support for us. We are building a broad, bi-partisan coalition from a wide cross-section of our community. We have this support because the people are so fed up with the Caldwell administration and know that our community deserves so much better.