Bills in Conference
From Rep Beth Fukumoto Chang, April 29, 2016
With conference committees wrapping up today (4/29), here is a link to list of the bills that went to Conference and their current status.
Tuesday (5/3) will be the second to last floor session where many of the bills will be heard for final passage. The 2016 Legislative session officially ends Thursday (5/5).
LINK >>> 2016 Conference Bills Status
National Take Back Initiative
Below find information on the Drug Enforcement Agency's National Take-Back Initiative happening this Saturday (April 30th). Drop off locations are available statewide.

Mike Buck
Click here to listen to my interview with Mike Buck of The Answer AM 690. Last Monday (4/18), we discussed the details of SB 3034 (Marsy's Law)*, police enforcement policies, rail accountability, special funds, and homelessness.
*Unfortunately, since the time of this recording, SB 3034 (Marsy's Law) has been deferred for the 2016 Legislative Session.

State Agency Job Fair
The Department of Human Resources Development, in collaboration with all Executive Branch Agencies, will be hosting a Job Fair open to the public on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on the 4th floor lanai of the State Capitol (415 S. Beretania Street).
