Representative Matt Lopresti melts down when caught taking down and moving campaign signs.
From Bryan Jeremiah Campaign
(NOTE: requested and has received a response from Rep Matt LoPresti. It is posted below.)
Ewa Beach, HI, 25 April – This weekend I had the distinct displeasure of coming face to face with our district’s freshman politician and the most disingenuous individual I have ever met. I received an alarming phone call from a close friend advising me that Representative Lopresti was taking down and moving my campaign signs.

“I was stopped at the light at the intersection of Fort Weaver Rd. and Keoneula Blvd. waiting to turn left onto Hanakahi St. I noticed Matt LoPresti at the corner, had some signs in his hands and a pair of small bolt cutters, it looked like he was moving another candidate’s signs to make room for his signs,” said Mr. Fevella.

When I asked him by what authority he had to move my signs he began a verbal tirade and threatening to have me arrested.
“I heard some people talking out front of my house. Came outside and I see Representative Lopresti leaning on my fence and Mr. Jeremiah talking to him from the back of the car parked in front of my yard,” said the property owner.

Immediately after Matt took to Facebook completely lying about our meeting, stating he feared for his safety, he had to run away, and that Mr. Fevella and I boxed him in. This smiling hooligan carrying tools doesn’t look like an individual fearing for his safety or running, nor does this look like a vehicle boxed in.
This is just another example in the long list of despicable tactics he has perpetrated to save his seat at the table of power.
He continually lies about my character to members of the community, telling them I’m a criminal with a 20 year history of crime, which is not only a lie, but very hypocritical since he has quite the history of confrontations with HPD himself.

He was even arrested for DUI, which he has never disclosed to the community, a convenient omission.

Additionally, LoPresti’s bag of political dirty tricks includes filing numerous frivolous complaints with the State Campaign Spending Commission; including the accusation that one of my donors was a fake person, which has been officially ruled as another in a series of LoPresti lies.
Matt Lopresti is nothing more than an unstable bully, who continues to make excuses for his behavior by lying to the community and shamelessly claiming to be the victim.

I will remain positive and I will continue to pray for this individual despite his actions against me.
Is this the type of person we want representing our community? I believe not, our community deserves better. Matt Lopresti is a Democrat establishment insider. He is the epitome of what is wrong in Hawaii politics today. And his misbehavior continues to be a cause of needless humiliation for House Speaker Joe Souki.
He does not care nor does he believe in our community as evidenced by his unwillingness to fight for us. He boasts that he fought for public education in Ewa. But inside sources at the State Capitol and Dept. of Education reveal that Campbell High School will remain underfunded and overcrowded for years to come; with sorely needed funds are being diverted to Maui and to the nonexistent Hoopili community in East Kapolei.
It's time for real change, please vote for me on 8 November to represent our community with honesty and integrity.
Bryan Jeremiah
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Response from LoPresti: Malicious Harassment, Stalking, Assault
Response from Rep Matt LoPresti, April 26, 2016
Aloha Mr. Walden, and thank you for reaching out to me about this malicious slander regarding the seemingly staged incident that Mr. Jeremiah and another created this past Saturday. There is no question that it is election season with stuff like this being shopped around and unfortunately, in this line of work even honorable men are eagerly slandered in such ways. This is simply politically motivated slander, nothing more. I was innocently putting up my own signs when Mr. Jeremiah drove right up to me in his truck, jumped out and immediately tried to assault me. He and a friend then proceeded to harass me further until they saw someone was watching them and they backed off.
Being in my first term in public office, I encourage people to be involved in the political process and to focus on the issues important in our community, but the people deserve to have their servant leaders act like adults. Unfortunately this sort of he said/she said personal attack makes even the victim look bad because people don’t know who to believe. Fortunately there are witnesses and the fact is that, Mr. Jeremiah attempted to assault me in broad daylight and a judge has now granted a temporary restraining order against Mr. Jeremiah. (Apparently, he tried to get a TRO against me - though I cannot imagine on what grounds - and it was rightfully denied.)
The authorities have this objective witnesses statement now and have been aware of the habitual harassment I endure and even of the stalking, cyber harassment and cyber stalking that I have been subjected to and they are also now very aware of the evidence that these men have made false statements on this incident.
It is my hope that the justice system works to protect me from further harassment and acts of violence, but in the meantime I hope that any and all candidates for public office in Ewa or throughout the state conduct themselves with aloha for each other, that they stick to the issues and conduct themselves like good upstanding adults. The citizens of Hawaii deserve nothing less.
Thank you for seeking the truth on this issue.
Matt LoPresti, Ph.D.
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HNN: Ewa Beach campaign for state House turns ugly as accusations arise
FLASHBACK – Matt LoPresti vs Keoni Dudley, 2010