From Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine, April 15, 2016
As our community continues to grow, new projects are coming to the Council for public review.
Bill 62, Bill 63 and Resolution 15-206 are part of a master planned lagoon concept in Ewa. A public hearing is scheduled at the upcoming Council meeting.
I invite you to attend this Council Meeting at Honolulu Hale on April 20, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to offer your insight regarding this proposed project in our community- your voice truly impacts the future of our district.
If you cannot make it to the meeting on April 20, you may submit testimony or gather more information on this project by emailing me at kmpine@honolulu.govor calling 768-5001.

Items to be discussed:
Bill 62, "CD1": Haseko is proposing to rezone 62 acres in 'Ewa Beach and use the land to develop a recreational lagoon that will be surrounded by resort, residential, business and open spaces. Residents of the lagoon neighborhoods will have primary access to this lagoon, while members of the public will also be able to enjoy a recreation area proposed to be open to the public.
To read Bill 62, "CD1", click here.
Bill 63: Haseko is proposing to amend the Special Management Area (SMA), to reflect their proposal to develop a recreation lagoon, as an alternative to a boating marina. The new SMA boundary is needed because the proposed lagoon is physically separated from the ocean by a 225-270-foot-wide barrier of land above the high water mark, so a direct surface connection is necessary.
Resolution 15-206: Haseko is requesting a permit to construct improvements within the shoreline setback area. The proposed project involves the construction of a public pedestrian pathway that will encircle the lagoon, multi-use spaces, a viewing platform, boardwalks, a comfort station, benches, picnic tables, storm water infrastructure and a lagoon overflow swale.
I hope to see all of our community members at this upcoming Council meeting. Your input is greatly valued and determines the future of this project. If you have any questions, feel free to reach me at