Hawaii: Your Action Needed to Oppose an Anti-Gun Bill!
From NRA-ILA, April 5, 2016
Senate Bill 2954 could be scheduled for third and final read at any time. It is critical that you click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Representative TODAY and politely urge them to OPPOSE SB 2954.

SB 2954 would expand the existing registration requirement and input law-abiding Hawaii gun owners into a federal biometric database, managed by the FBI, for continuous monitoring. Positive hits in this system have not necessarily been adjudicated and could cause issues with an individual’s ability to exercise their constitutional rights. Additionally, this bill could be in violation of your Fourth Amendment rights. It could also result in a potential fee increase and cost gun owners more than what is already required in Hawaii due to the cost associated with adding individuals into this biometric database.
Once again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state Representative in opposition to this bill!
SB2954: Text, Status