From Ted Cruz Hawaii, March 4, 2016
It's official. Dr. Ben Carson has officially dropped out of the race for president.

In light of this breaking news, Hawaii's conservative State Senator Sam Slom has publicly thrown his support to conservative Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Mahalo to Senator Slom for supporting Ted Cruz.
In an interview with Hawaii News Now, Slom says he originally supported fellow conservative Dr. Carson, who is ending his presidential campaign and taking a new job as national chairman of My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan group working to increase voting by Christians in 2016 and beyond.
With Sam Slom and other Ben Carson backers coalescing around Senator Cruz, the leaders of Ted Cruz Hawaii would like to invite all Carson campaign supporters to vote for Ted Cruz in next week's Republican Presidential Caucus. We invite you to take a close look at the values, positions, and goals of Ted Cruz. We believe you'll agree that Ted Cruz is the best candidate from either party in 2016.
Moreover, the Ted Cruz Hawaii campaign thanks Dr. Carson for his many years of life-saving service as a brilliant neurosurgeon and for his willingness to answer the call to serve our country in elective office. May God bless you, Dr. Carson, and the movement you started as we go forward. We wish you and your family much happiness and success in future endeavors. The Cruz campaign shares your aim to restore America.
And we send a special mahalo to Senator Sam Slom for expressing his public support for Ted Cruz. We are extremely confident that a Cruz presidency would reflect the same respect for the U.S. Constitution, for conservative values, and for the principles of liberty, freedom and opportunity that you have stood for in your own brave and dedicated service to the people of Hawaii.