First Lateral Deadline
From Rep Beth Fukumoto Chang, February 19, 2016
Yesterday (2/18) was the First Lateral Filing Deadline for the 2016 session. This means that all bills must have moved to a final committee in the originating Chamber by the end of the day in order to continue through the Legislative process.
Click here for a full list of every bill that has successfully passed through the first lateral deadline >>> First Lateral Bills
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HB 2357 HD1 Fact Sheet
Click here to read about HB 2357 HD 1 and learn more about mental health services for adolescents >>> Mental Health Consent for Minors
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Women in Government Reception

Representatives Belatti, Lowen, Fukumoto Chang, and Matsumoto at local restaurant, The Dumb Coq, for the Women in Government Foundation Networking Reception
Women in Government Foundation (WIG) is a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization that celebrates and encourages women state legislators. I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the WIG's Annual Health Care Summit in Washington D.C. last November with female legislators and policy experts from across the United States.
This past Wednesday, WIG held a Networking Reception for Hawaii legislators and staff. It was great to see so many of my colleagues and celebrate my fellow female legislators.
For last week's update, click here.