A Terrifying World
by Joni Kamiya, Hawaii Farmers Daughter, February 2, 2016
Hawaii, with our population of just over 1.3 million spread across 7 islands, is apparently a great place to divide and conquer. It doesn’t help that our school systems are struggling to perform up to standards and the university system has its internal battles. Hawaii is the perfect place to unfold the Pesticides in Paradise aka anti-agriculture campaigns in our communities, since many newcomers have no understanding of our agricultural systems or roots in plantations.
The state’s motto of perpetuating the land in righteousness doesn’t help when it’s taken literally. It’s great to love the land and care for it but the methods used must be good too and based in evidence. There are several non-governmental groups convening here to dictate their policies upon our people to the point of pitting neighbor against neighbor or even family members against each other.
It’s the dividing of communities and the demise of expertise that I find terrifying here. Someone who has no idea about basic biology seems to be considered a legitimate resource over someone with a doctorate in molecular biology is simply not right. Hawaii politicians continue to be hoodwinked by these internet educated “experts,” but ignore the expertise of a farmer with an agriculture degree and 40 years of in the field work. A political science major and paid lobbyist has more clout on policy than those who know the needs of our farmers. Where did we lose sight of agriculture’s vision?
I’m even more bothered that more outsiders like Zen Honeycutt, a professional paid activist, is attempting to dictate best practices for farmers. Watch what Moms Across America leader, Zen Honeycutt, has to say about hydrogen. (She’s also the mom who told others about glyphosate in breast milk, which was debunked.)
>>> Must Watch Video: ‘Molecular Hydrogen Sales Pitch’ <<<
Dr. Joe Schwartz does a great critique of her video.
Rampant nonsense
This woman should be locked away. Probably in an asylum. Spouting such absolute nonsense is a criminal activity. I won’t even comment on her pathetic lack of knowledge of biochemistry or her simplistic view of oxidation. Let’s stick to her recommending molecular hydrogen as an antioxidant. Technically, hydrogen is an antioxidant because it can be oxidized. Never mind whether it can be absorbed from the digestive tract and go on to act intracellurally, there just isn’t any significant amount in this crazy remedy! The solubility of hydrogen in water is 0.00016 grams per 100 mL of water. This is an insignificant amount.
Even if free radicals were the problem to the extent as she believes, which is not the case, the impact of this trivial amount of hydrogen gas would be insignificant. It is truly galling that someone like this who has absolutely no understanding of chemistry, biochemistry or physiology is out there giving people health advice. A student with grade 10 stoichiometry can calculate that the amount of hydrogen that can be delivered by drinking this “hydrogenated” water is insignificant. Then this twit goes on to say that the water that is formed when hydrogen is oxidized to H2O helps hydrate the body. Right, like taking a drop of water out of the ocean makes the level go down.
Zen was just here in Hawaii on a misinformation tour targeting moms. It’s clear that she can’t teach others what she doesn’t know. Someone gave her a nice Hawaiian vacation to do this, just like Jeffrey Smith, Pesticide Action Network, EarthJustice, and so many others coming here but there’s no trace of who is financing this while demanding transparency of others.
Despite not having a medical license of any sort, she will gladly dispense advice to people to cure them of they ailments or get them to believe that there is an issue. She thinks there’s more than one hydrogen and yet she claims to understand GMOs. Sure.
Then there was Dustin Barca pushing the fear mongering yet again. Today it wasn’t chemtrails, but those GMO heavy chemical experimentation. It was really netting to protect the crop from invasive birds.

Between Zen and Barca, it’s clear that they refuse to learn and love talking about things they clearly don’t understand. Their expertise is getting others to jump on the wagon with them blindly with no questioning. The bandwagon doesn’t need more fearing education.
It’s sad that these supposedly are “educated” people leading the cause. I don’t want Zen or Dustin trying to figure out how to deal with dengue fever or the Zika virus here. I don’t want them dictating what crop inputs we should use on our farms. It’s not their domain of expertise. People like them would claim it’s a conspiracy and not provide any real viable option.
In a world full of information at the tip of your fingers, it’s terrifying to know that bad information is leading the charge. The trend to dismiss real university acquired information is indeed disturbing. The attempts to equate a certain company to a highly esteemed university like Cornell is a case of the Internet going bad. We should all be striving to aspire to become well educated in order to help others. Choosing a way of eating based on the Food Babe and others out to sell you something isn’t really doing your part at saving the world.
You’ve got to want to learn to understand to call yourself educated. Go to the educators not Google. Be genuinely educated and go forth to be a part of the community.
It’s embracing higher education that will move Hawaii forward and cultivate that spirit of hope in the next generation. In the spirit of the upcoming lunar new year, look at the festive lion dances and see how great things happen when we work together. That is Pono. That is aloha.
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