Marilia Duffles (2nd from left) & Former U.S. Rep. Charles Djou (2nd from right) file Gov. John Kasich's ballot paperwork with officials from the Hawaii Republican Party. (Stacey Djou (far left) and George Simmons (far right) joined Congressman Djou and Ms. Duffles at the official filing.)
Kasich for America Files to Appear on Hawaii Ballot
News Release from Kasich for America
On Friday, Governor John Kasich's presidential campaign filed the necessary paperwork to appear on the Hawaii Republican primary ballot and announced its Hawaii leadership team.
Former congressman Charles Djou will serve as chair of Gov. Kasich's Hawaii leadership team.
Said Djou, "Voters are looking for a leader with a proven history of producing results. John Kasich is that leader. He has a constructive, realistic plan to turn the economy around and strengthen our national security. He has the experience and talent to bring unity to America in a time of deep division."
Djou represented Hawaii's 1st congressional district from 2010 to 2011. He has also served in the State House of Representatives and on the Honolulu City Council.
Marilia Duffles and Jon Kunimura also joined the governor's leadership team as state co-chairs.
Said Governor Kasich, "I look forward to continuing to build upon our strong team in Hawaii as we approach the Republican caucus in March. Charles Djou has a deep understanding of what matters to voters in Hawaii and will be a great asset to our team as we expand our ground operations."
Gov. Kasich is running for President to help Americans restore our nation, live in safety and pass on prosperity to those who come after us—and he’s got the experience to help us do it. He was reelected last year by a 30-point margin after working with his fellow Ohioans to turn an $8 billion shortfall into a $2 billion surplus, cut taxes $5 billion and create more than 300,000 new private sector jobs. As chair of the Budget Committee in Congress he led the effort to balance the federal budget for the first time in a generation and served 18 years on the House Armed Services Committee where he helped enact President Reagan's national security agenda. He has also had a successful career as an investment banker, New York Times best-selling author and at FOX News. He and his wife Karen have twin teenage daughters and live in their home outside Columbus. You can learn more about him at www.JohnKasich.com
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News Release from Hawaii Republican Party
HONOLULU (January 13, 2016) - Governor of Ohio John Kasich has registered for the March 8, 2016 Hawaii Republican Caucuses. Kasich joins former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Donald Trump on the ballot.
Governor Kasich's Hawaii leadership team includes former congressman Charles Djou as chair, former Hawaii State Senator Fred Rohlfing as an honorary co-chair, and Marilia Duffles and Jon Kunimura as state co-chairs.
Hawaii GOP Executive Director Marcia Tagavilla said: “We welcome all Republican Presidential campaigns to Hawaii. We look forward to other Republican Presidential candidates competing for Hawaii’s 16 GOP Convention delegates and helping build voter turnout for the March 8 Caucuses.”
The outcome of the March 8 voting will directly determine proportional delegate allocation among the competing candidates. In 2012 over 10,000 Hawaii Republicans voted in the Presidential Caucuses.
The Hawaii GOP Caucuses will be held Tuesday, March 8, 2016 from 6PM to 8PM at dozens of voting locations statewide. Voting is open to Hawaii voters with photo ID who sign a GOP membership card at the polling place. Voting locations are posted on the GOP Hawaii website.
For more information on the caucus please click here: 2016 Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus Information.